2009年12月27日 星期日

L12 One More Chance, Please

I. Vocabulary
1. agnoy--> agonize (v)
*an agonizing choice 痛苦的選擇
* in agony  痛苦
*in an agony of... .....的痛苦

2. Sth. claw (s/ed) one's mind  ......充滿了某人心中
3. Sb + be overwhelmed by Sth.   令......不勝唏噓
4. ordinary vs. extraordinary
5. as sb a favor  = do a favor for sb.
* in facor of sth. = support sth.
6. blood type; blood transfusion; blood pressure
7. bury one's face in one's hands; bury one's face in a pillow
8. at the thought of
* come up with
* on second thought
9. be in charge of sth. *take charge of sth. *take over
10. in a daze
*doze off
*absent-minded (adj)

II. Grammar Focus
1. How S1 wish S2 + V(ed)/were ....

wish 後子句的動詞若為 be-V 要用 were 來表達,若為一般動詞,則要用過去式來表達。

例:How I wish he were here now.   
        How I wish I could go to the party.

2. How + S1 + wish + S2 + had + p.p. ....

wish 後子句的動詞要用過去完成式(即had + p.p.)來表達。

例:How I wish I had been at Robert's birthday party yesterday.

1. wish常與假設語氣連用 (a) 表示現在或未來不可能實現的願望,動詞用簡單過去式 (b) 表示與過去事實相反的願望,動詞用 過去完成式
2. 表示祝福。
3. 表示未來可能實現的願望,則改用hope。
例:I wish I were a millionaire so that I could live in ease and comfort.   
       Mary wishes she had a house of her own because she is tired of living with her parents.   
       My date with Jenny was such a disaster that I wish I hadn't asked her out in the first place.

       I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!   
       I hope you can come and visit me sometime in the future.

If+S+過去式V(be動詞一律改為were), S+過去式助動詞(would,could,might)+V
例句:If I were you,I  would take his advice.

If S + had + Vpp, S + would have/could have/might + have+ Vpp
例句:If it had been for the rain,we could have gone on a picnic.

S + V~, too.--> So + 助動詞/be + S.
S + 助動詞/be + not ~, either.  --> Neither + 助動詞/be + S

either 用在否定句,表「也不」,放在句尾,為副詞。
肯定句則用 too 表「也」,亦是放在句尾。

neither 本身就是否定字,亦是表「也不」,因此它出現的句子為否定句,用此字時,句子要倒裝。
so 用在肯定句,表達「也」的意思,句子要倒裝。

例:I'm not a student, and Thomas isn't, either.   
= I'm not a student, and neither is Thomas.   

I enjoy playing basketball, and Jason does, too.
= I enjoy playing basketball, and so does Jason.
