2009年12月23日 星期三

比較 likely/ possible/ probable用法

likely (adj, adv): describes something that will probably happen or is expected
possible (adj): able to be done or achieved, or able to exist
probable (adj): likely to be true or likely to happen

(1) likely是代表一種期望的「預測性的可能」。後面可加不定詞片語(to V片)that子句(that S' +V'),也可以用 very 修飾。
a. 人/事物 be (very) likely to V~
b. It is likely that S (will) V~

(2) possible推測一做件事情或一個情況,不用來修飾人,故寫成:
It is possible for 人to V~
It is possible that S' + V'~

(3) probable和 likely比起來可能性較大,但是在用法上和 likely 的最大不同是後面只能加that子句,不可以加不定詞片語。多半用於肯定句。
It is probable that S (will) V~

1. Remember to remind me because I'm likely to forget.
2. I suppose that might happen but it's not very likely.
3. It's quite likely that we'll be in Spain this time next year.
4. "Do you want to join me on a ten-mile run?" "Not likely (= certainly not)!" (informal usage)

5. The probable cause of death was heart failure.
6. An election in June seems increasingly probable.
7. It is probable that share prices will fall still further.

8. Is it possible to buy tickets in advance?
9. We need to send that letter off as soon as possible.
10. I'll do everything possible to help you.
