2010年9月9日 星期四


Here are some notes that you need to pay attention in doing your project.
  • Hand in your paper on time.
  • Reach the criterion.
  • Do not copy others' words. If you really need to, give the citation and quotations.
  • Do not get answers just from books or teachers.
  • Do not write out of your own head. Read more, digest all the relative material, do some thinking, and integrate all into a neat package.
  • Need to create your own work.
  • Need to find examples to support your ideas.
Assignment for this week: Write down the name of your group, group-introduction, research topic, reasons, and solutions (why and how).
  • Do not forget to upload your paper to the Moodle platform and paste it on your group blog.
  • Give the link. If you don't know how, send me your web address.

2 則留言:

Lisa Chen 提到...

Chris那個blog link是旁邊的那個嘛

Jessica 提到...
