2009年9月1日 星期二

Syllabus of English Reading (Fall, 2009)


1. 配合教育部頒訂之高中(職)學校英文課程標準
--to follow the criteria of high school objectives proposed by MOE
2. 激勵學生學習英語
--to motivate students to learn English
3. 提高英文聽說讀寫能力,習得英文學習策略
--to enhance four skills and acquire strategies in learning English
4. 比較中西方文化
--to compare western cultures with ours
5. 為未來升學或就業作準備
--to help students prepare for the further studies or employments.

(Teaching Materials)

1. 遠東高中版教科書 (English Readers for High Schools, B3)
2. 課外補充講義 (Handouts: supplementary readings)
3. 字彙 (Vocabulary 4000-7000)
4. 文法書 (Grammar book)
5. 字典 (Dictionary)

1. 老師講授 (Lecturing, discussion, story-telling, etc.)
2. 學生上台報告、演示 (Students’ talk shows and presentations)

(Grading policy)

1. 學期評量60% (First & Midterm: 30%; Final:40%)
2. 平時評量 40%
a. 平時測驗 (Quizzes)
b. 上課出席率及參與 (Class attendance and participation)
c. 作業、報告 (Assignments & presentations)


1. 分組學習 (Study group)
2. 課前預習 (Preparation in advance: individual)
3. 課後作業、復習 (Review the lessons: individual)

Tentative Weekly Schedule
W1-2 • Orientation
• L1: General MacArthur’s Prayer for His Son
• L2: sounds of Moonlight

• Write the prayer for someone (individual)
W3-4 • L3: The All-important Pumpkin

• Introduce a musician or a composer (group work)
• Introduce one of foods or vegetables
W5-6 • L4: The Owl Who Was God

Midterm Exam I
W7-8 • L5: Asking Nature for Advice
• L6: Emily Dickinson and her Poems

W9-10 • L7: Our Global Village
• L8: Going Home

Midterm Exam II
W11-12 • L9: Giant Pandas: An Endangered Species
W13-14 • L10: Has the Cat Got Your Tongue?
W15-16 • L11: Les Miserables
W17-18 • L12: One More Chance, Please
W19 • Review
W20 Final Exam
