2009年4月1日 星期三



■ 英文組─「Appreciate What You Have Now」,字數250-300字。
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1 則留言:

Chris' Wonderland 提到...

Lucy Wang* 提到...
Appreciate what you have now.

Nowadays, most of people always think they still do enough get not in everything. Money, love, power, respect, position, etc. They seem not to be satisfied with everything anytime. However, they are some other people who want a simple life. How different there is between the two kinds of person! This is all because of their mind.
Sometimes I hope I can get more money from my Mom because I want to make a deposit and buy a motorcycle when I am eighteen years old. I want to have everything that everyone has. The desire only becomes more and more. I ask for my Mom is much than before. One day, my Mom tells me: “You can live a better life because your father works very hard every day; otherwise, you must find a part time job now. You can compare your life with your classmates’. How could you so greedy?”
I really feel I am so selfish! Dad works so hard and spends all his life for the family. I am still childish and not mature at all. If I have my own dream, I want my dream to come true. I must depend on myself. Maybe I realize “That’s no free lunch, so I must work for what I want” and “No pain, No gain.” the meaning of the two sentences. Once I have responsibility.
From than on, I knew what I have to do is cherish at this moment and appreciate what I have. Don’t complain about somebody who is just better than me or who has more than me because it has no meaning at all. If there are no envy and struggles in the world, I will never know how beautiful the world is!

2009年3月2日 星期一 下午04時09分00秒 CST

Claire 提到...
Appreciate What You Have Now.
We have many things in the world but we don’t know what we have to treasure. When a person who has enough money enough food or have a lot of friends, most of the time, that person doesn’t know what important it is. That person doesn’t even treasure when he or she has. If one day that person loses everything, I guess, he or she would know to treasure, but it would be too late.
Jeff is a basketball player. He is a leader in a team and he is famous at the school. He thinks he is the best man in the world, so he demands everyone who needs to respect him. Everyone is afraid of him; nobody disobeys him. One day there is a girl says to him, “Hey! Let me tell you not everyone likes you. You are a bad boy; maybe you seem to have many friends beside you. However no one is truth friends for you. In their heart you are just a man just a passer.” When Jeff grasps what that girl means, everything is too late. Now Jeff doesn’t have any friend.
In this story, Jeff doesn’t know how to deal with his friends and cultivate his friendship. He just commands his friends to respect him and he doesn’t care his friends’ feeling. We need to appreciate the things that we have now. Treasure who is beside you. And don’t command people to help you. Everyone is your teacher no matter he is bad or good. If he or she is a bad guy, we will remind us not to become him. If he or she is good, we will learn his merit.

2009年3月2日 星期一 下午03時11分00秒 CST

Alice 提到...
"Appreciate What You Have Now"

I always complained that I did not have many things and I always wanted more and more. When something vanished or left me, I even did not notice. Yes. I used to be that kind of person who did not know what I really had. However, I changed because something important in my life disappeared. I reflected myself over and over and I found that I indeed was a rich person because I have many things and I just do not know. For example, I have my family who loves me very much. I have my friends who support me and like me. I have classmates that can chat and play with me. I regret that I never thought about them in the past, but now I am happy to know about that and that will always be there. At present no matter what happens, I want to treasure what I have. I really appreciate what I have. The things what I have doesn’t have range, only if I feel attentively, I will discover that is true, and comprehend that. Everyone should understand content of the present situation and know how to appreciate the present situation, and then he or she will be happy. In fact, this is an abstract thing; we have to forage answer by ourselves. We are the only ones who know the answer.

2009年3月2日 星期一 下午02時59分00秒 CST

貓貓 提到...
Appreciate what you have now
Everyone has parents, friends, and relatives. I have them too. They help me, teach me and believe me. They are always at my side. I need them; I really appreciate them.
I have many things like clothes, cell phone, computer, and so on. However, nothing can be compared with my parents. My parents give me anything that I want. When I encounter difficulty, they always tell me their experience and give me their advice. When I fail, they always give me comfort. They always patiently forgive my fault that I often make. They lead me to the right way and teach me how I distinguish from right to wrong. Although I sometimes feel them annoying, they just show solicitude for me. They are sometimes like my teacher and sometimes like friends. They give me power, trust, confidence and love. I don’t how I requite them. I only give them filial piety.
I have a lot of friends. I have many different kinds of friends and they are good at a variety of fields. I often hang out with them. I can learn something and find pleasure from them. They are often my study partners. They can help me study all subject. No matter how kind of question I ask,they can help me find answers. When I meet something embarrassing, they listen to my worry and give me advice. I am so lucky that I meet them. I don’t know how I appreciate them. What I can do is to do my best to help them and treasure them.
I appreciate many people. I have to treasure them. Sometimes, I maybe have quarrel with them. But, I still love them. They are my treasure.

2009年3月2日 星期一 下午02時45分00秒 CST

Lisa Chen 提到...
Appreciate What You Have Now
The trees treasure the land that they can live on. The grass treasures the sun that it can grow up on. The roadsides treasure the flowers because they can be colorful. What about us? We can breathe for we have fresh air produced by trees. We can relax ourselves for seeing green grass. We can have convenient life for we have colorful roads. These tiny things make our world different and bright. Do we thank them?
To learn treasure can make us happy. Maybe life is not as good as we can imagine. However, there is something that we can appreciate and treasure. For example, although I am not rich, I have a whole family. I am happy every day because of them. I know my parents can’t live with me forever. My brothers and sisters will grow up. Soon they will go their own way. Thus, I have to treasure every moment I have with them. These will always shine my life like the trees, the grass, and the road. I also treasure friends I have. When I am happy, I want to share with them. When I have some problems, they will comfort me. I treasure my health. If I don’t have a good health, I can’t do many things.
We will meet many kinds of people in our life. Someone just passes by, and someone needs our treasure. Although you have everything you want, you don’t know to treasure and you will lose everything someday. There is no butterfly that grow up without struggles. There are no fruits that can be planted without wind and rain. Because of the struggles, we can grow up. We have to treasure every moment no matter it is bad or good. This will make us become an adult. Treasure every moment; our life will be shiny like the sun.

2009年3月2日 星期一 下午02時34分00秒 CST

Ivy 文文 提到...
Everyone should be grateful. In my life, there is an important person: my mother. I think I need to thank her. She gives me everything. My mother is a sweet mother in the world. When I was born, she taught me how to walk and eat. She then kept helping me with all of the problems I had throughout my life such as my homework. She gave the best things to me and did the best she can. Although she sometimes gets mad at me for no reason, but I know there should and has to be a reason, because I know she would never blame me when nothing was done. She feeds me when I am hungry and provides the best shelter for me. She tries all ways to make me feel better and happier when I am depressed and also think about me every minute. She takes care of me when I was a baby until now. I feel very happy because I have such an excellent mother. She always stays at my side no matter what happens. I never forget what I have. It seems common for anyone to say thank you to others when people get something from others, but when we face to ours family, some people may not do so. Perhaps these people may think these are natural. I think this is too bad. Please treasure all beautiful things at your side. Do not dissipate them or you will regret.

2009年3月2日 星期一 下午02時33分00秒 CST

sherry 提到...
Appreciate What You Have Now.
Have you ever thought about the things that you appreciate? Maybe we have too many things, but what are the things you really appreciate? The sun, water, our parents, and anything in our life or in the world? In fact, we should appreciate and treasure everything in our heart. If we didn’t have them, we wouldn’t anything. So we have to appreciate and treasure their being that gives us life.
I hope I can appreciate and treasure what I have in my life. But I think I do not really do it. I always understand what the treasure is after I lost something. I always regret after I lost something and always know something is important to me after I lost it. For example, when I had a good friend, I did not treasure her existence. After our friendship was not closer than before, I was sad. Why didn’t I treasure and appreciate them when I had them? I think this is what everyone has to learn.
People always do not treasure and appreciate what they have when they have them. It is important, right? If something makes you feel bad, you can think about what you have. That can make you feel better. People who know appreciate are always happy in their life. They know they are lucky persons because they have many things. People who don’t know appreciate are not always happy in their life. They think they do not have many. They always envy others’ things. They never know that their things are as many as others too. Whether a person is happy or not depends on whether you appreciate every thing or not. If you appreciate what you have now, you will be happy.

2009年3月2日 星期一 下午02時28分00秒 CST

Iris 提到...
Appreciate What You Have Now.

Many people always feel unsatisfied with themselves. They always admire another people about what they have. You? Do you whine, murmur and complain about what you don't have or what is not going right in your life? If you are not thankful, you will think everything bad about the blessings you have, and you will not receive more.
Life has a funny way of taking things away from you in order to make you grateful. For example, while sleeping in an uncomfortable hotel bed, you realize how fortunate you are to have such a nice bed at home. You now appreciate the things that have been taken away from you.
You won't know what will happen tomorrow. So why don’t you treasure what you have now? I think I am very happy because I don’t have to work and my parents will provide to me what I want. I have a lot of friends, and they are so nice. They always help me when I need help. They are very important to me. Nothing lets me complain!
Believe that we are very rich, and treasure what you have. It is very glad that with your heart to see and appreciate what you have. You will be happier than before!

2009年3月2日 星期一 下午02時18分00秒 CST

a02984131 提到...
Appreciate What You Have Now.

When I was in junior high, I was very unhappy. I always felt very confused at that time and I didn’t have any close friend at that time. There always was one question in my mind, why I have to stand all these things? Not only relationship with people but also the stress of schoolwork. I felt very tired and also felt very lonely. But I didn’t realize there’s always a good friend who supported me when I was in a bad mood. She is mom, my best friend in my life.
I have a friend, who told me that no matter what happened, just remember family was the most important meaning in your life. I didn’t knew what that meant at that time, but now I can really understand what it means. Because when you are in trouble your parents will try their best to help you. If you ask me “What about my friends?” I only can answer you one sentence, “I don’t know.” Because I have many friends like that but when I am in trouble, they always disappear.
After many crazy things, now I feel very happy because I have a family and they always support me. Now I even have some real friends now.
by 10603 ed

2009年3月2日 星期一 下午01時59分00秒 CST

匿名 提到...
Treasure is an invisible adjective; treasure is a verb as well. We have to live up to it. And the way is to use our heart to feel and practice. So I think we have to treasure what we have around us. It is not only the person who we love but also the goods and materials. All of these are not easily come by.
I was born in Taiwan. I have a nice country and also a nice environment for me to grow up. First, I’m thankful for my health. A health body is my foundation. With my good health, I have the energy to learn. Second, I’m thankful my family and my friends. They are indispensable. They stay with me no matter when it rains or shines. We share our lives and do everything. The most important is they give me unreserved love. Third, I’m thankful for my education and my teachers. Although I am not good at studying, I still do my best on everything that I have to do. I’m happy to attend to a good school. Little by little, I found my taste and I was practicing it. My teachers lead me to partake in some activities that I have never experienced. And they make my life colorful. This is the things what I treasure most.
Sometimes, I found some of people wasted their life on silly something. For example, they didn’t put their time and money to good use. They spent their money on narcotic drugs or alcoholic drinks. When they had some trouble on account of the things, they supplicate the people to give them a chance. But they still do it over and over again. How? Although I’m a student, I wish all of us can undertake the duty in our role. The most important is always treasure what we have in our life.

by winnie

2009年3月2日 星期一 下午01時33分00秒 CST

*Annie 提到...
Appreciate what you have now.
Some people do not appreciate what they have. They wasted food, water and electricity, etc. For example, they wasted food when they did not like to eat. They threw it when it tasted bad or they felt dirty. They also did not treasure water, they wasted it then they though the water was unclean, but what about some African people? There are not people who can waste. Because of worse environment such as deserts, many people there do not have enough water to drink and food to eat. Then many people die in there. We have enough food and water. We can use electric power to turn on the lamps, computers, and TV. Nevertheless, in Africa, there are no electric power can be used. If we were are sick, we will go to hospital sand take medicine, but in the Africa, there are no doctor and medicine. If we have enough food, we can go to the super market, but in the Africa, there is no super market. (How do you know?) Why do not we treasure anything what we have? We always say that we must treasure anything that we have, but we did not do it. We must realize it. Treasure anything what you have.
2009年3月2日 星期一 上午09時26分00秒 CST

匿名 提到...
What is the meaning of possession? My cousin, Jenny, likes painting very much. One day, my aunt told me that my cousin didn’t have any inspiration to draw. Then my aunt told Jenny, “Don’t draw with your hand sometimes, but draw with your heart.” Hearing this sentence, I understand that not only my cousin but also I need to feel something or do something with heart, instead of hands or eyes. In fact, we have a lot of thing but we don’t know, because we don’t want to understand with our heart.
I am learning to appreciate what I have now. I am happy I have a lovely home although it is very small and noisy. However, I am glad that I live here because a lot of people around the world do not have a place to go. They don’t have enough food to eat. They don’t have a lot of things, but I do. I am learning how to keep every chance and put them to good use, because chances would not come back again. I treasure everyone by my side, because they are all important to me. They are my teachers, my classmates, my friends and my family. They all help me when I am in trouble. They all bring me happiness and share my feelings when I am in a bad mood. They always cheer me up. I love them very much.
We will meet a lot of things in our life. No matter it good or bad, I will treasure it—everyone, everything, and every moment I have.

by Amy

2009年3月2日 星期一 上午01時34分00秒 CST

匿名 提到...
Nowadays, looking around our life, we will find that the stock market is bearish and the economy is in a slump, and many people are out of work. What about me? I am lucky because I have a job, I study at school, and I have a happy life now.
I work in a convenient store names 7-11. Every morning I have to stand there for 8 hours, and every night I have to study in school. To be honest, I usually feel tired. However, I still appreciate what I have now, because I have more experiences than my classmates. Just one more thing that I am worried about is my schoolwork. I always sleep just five hours when I have to go to work tomorrow. I did not take enough rest to handle my work and my schoolwork, so I always feel very tired that I really want to sleep at any moment. I am worried that I can’t be able to do those things perfectly. I hope that I can have good grades on every subject, so I will do my best and do not feel tired anytime.
Luckily, I have my family to support me and have learned how to put my time to good use. Every night when I got home, they always talked to me and said something about life. They always make me happy. I am glad to have those wonderful things. Most importantly, I am very happy that I have a nice family. I will appreciate my life forever and cherish all around me. I will treasure them very carefully.

by Anna

2009年3月2日 星期一 上午02時04分00秒 CST

書琦-Susan^ˇ^ 提到...
I see the warm sun in the blue sky every morning when I get up. I see the bright moon in the night sky every night when I go to bed. Why does the sun warm us every day? Why does the moon shine and lead someone who gets lost every night? Perhaps not many people think about these questions because they are too natural to be noticed. Indeed, when we have these things, we don’t treasure them because we think they are just right and just there. We always pursue something that we do not have or someone who do not accompany us.
For example, I met a senior high school’s classmate who is now making friends with God. When I saw him for the first time, I felt sad because he was sick and he had to stay in the hospital almost every day. However, he still wanted to grasp every opportunity to go to school and know the world. At that moment, I finally understand how wonderful the sun and the moon in the sky are. He couldn’t see the sun and the moon in the hospital. He just lived with doctors, nurses, and medication. I treasure all things in the nature after I met him.
I play with my brother and talk to my parents. Sometimes, I am even angry with them because I always think they are my family and they should have to take care of me. We have happy time every day and I think it is right. I take it for granted. One day, I saw the TV Show on the bus. It talks about some children who had a lot of problems in their life. Others just want a happy life and a brother or a sister. Another just wanted their parents to come back and stay with them. My life and my family are very perfect. I have to love them and be good to them. I know they will leave me one day. I will treasure them before the days come.
A lot of people just look like me. They don’t know something important around them. They do not feel something important after they lose it. Therefore, we have to change our heart to feel the wonderful world.

2009年3月2日 星期一 上午02時12分00秒 CST

寶純 提到...
Appreciate What You Have Now

Have you ever seen life with your genuineness? Have you ever thought about what you have? Even, have you ever treasured what you have?
One day, I felt so sad because I found that I didn’t have any friends in the new semester of SLHS. No matter what I did and no matter where I went, I always did by myself. Suddenly, there was a person giving me a hug. I felt so sweet because I understood that I still had a friend at that time. And I really appreciated what I have with my heart.
At night I always think about what I have now. I want to care about my friends and family because they are very important to me. For example, all of my friends spend a lot time sharing with me many kinds of sadness and happiness. So does my family. My family is the safest and warmest for me in the world. I am not only to be a happy friend but also a lovely daughter. Thus, I, with my heart, want to appreciate what I have.
Most important, I treasure my life. If there is not life, I won’t have me. I want to work as hard as I can do to face everything and to touch everyone’s heart. I want to try my best to let everybody know and appreciate what they have now. I will continue to help people who are come across obstacles in their life. By doing so, I can feel my life is more perfect than before.

2009年3月2日 星期一 上午03時49分00秒 CST

小p 提到...
Treasure something that we have.
One day, a girl lost her lover, so she cried and cried. She just thought why he didn’t love her. She never thought why he wanted to separate this affection. It seems that this girl only thought about herself, never bore in mind the interest of everyone. She may cause the result by herself, because she seems not to treasure what she has got.
We may lose something important, but we need to think why we lose it. Nobody is perfect, because we are human not god. Thus, we should learn many things. Treasuring what we have is one of the things that we should learn. Although we lose something, we also have others. Don’t be full of remorse. We still have family, friends, and many other people who can make us happy. If we could seize the day, we would be a happy person. Think about others else and think about ourselves. Just do not compare with others because everyone is different. We have something that they don’t have, so we must appreciate what we have. Don’t think who is very miserable. This is a silly notion. Maybe we are not the best, but we still have something important in our life. Cherish those we have now. And we will not complain everything. Believe that we are very rich, because we have emotions, dreams, selfhood and we could treasure everything. In fact, we can be rich and happy in the world once we decide to.

2009年3月2日 星期一 上午10時54分00秒 CST

匿名 提到...
My name is Michelle.

Appreciate What You Have Now.

Have you ever seen the blue sky with your heart? Have you ever appreciate a rainbow after a heavy rain? Perhaps you will say, “Oh, I am too busy to admire it.” Or perhaps you see it and say, “Wow! It’s beautiful!” Then, you keep working. If I were you, I would stop my work to enjoy these wonderful things.
One month ago, I watched a Japanese movie called Code Blue. This movie talks about flight doctors who have to take a helicopter to help patients. When they have to arrive in the scene in few minutes every time, so they have to make an exactly decision and help the patients as possible as they can.
One day, a man's hand was drawn into a machine. The doctor judged his situation and said to the man, “You have to cut off your arm. If you did not do that, you would die.” Then, the man said yes bravely. After he got up in the hospital, he knew that he only had one hand left. He did not cry; he was not panic, either. By contrast, he appreciated that he still had a hand. He is right. If he was sad just because he lost one hand, he would not know that there still hade many beautiful things in life.
This movie lets me know I am a lucky person. I am happy because I have a sweet family and many cute classmates. My family take care of me and my friends care about me whenever I am sick.. They are very important to me. I really appreciate that I have them.
Maybe someday you will know my feeling. When the sun rises and sets, you can stop your work and let your heart relax and appreciate the wonderful things around you!

2009年3月2日 星期一 上午11時31分00秒 CST

Alin 提到...
Appreciate what you have now
Nowadays, people are always so busy that they forget everything they have. They always think they have to go to other countries to see beautiful scenes in their free time. In fact, there are many beautiful things by our side. The sun, the stars, the moon, the rain, the rainbow, the cloud, the wind, and everything around us can attract us.
Last week I heard what my mom said with her friend. Her friend was just back from China and she took a lot of pictures. After we admire her pictures, my mom told me she would like to go there too. I told my mom we did not have to spend a lot of money to go there but we could still experience the beautiful scenes. Besides, we do not have to complain about being tired because of the long distance of flying like my mom’s friend.
Every time I ask my momof Taiwanese culture and traditions. She always says that is not important and she think foreign stuff is much better than that of Taiwan, but why she still does not listen to me. In fact, many emigrants feel Taiwan is much better even foreign countries although they may be bigger than Taiwan, but a small place small place brings people closer.
Maybe Taiwan is very small, but I still believe that Taiwan is a good place for children to grow up and for adults to live in. Taiwan is a place with a variety of scenic spots. Taiwan is a place full of friendliness. So, cherish what we have now.

2009年3月2日 星期一 下午12時58分00秒 CST

Tako 提到...
Appreciate What You Have Now.
At the age of teenagers, most of them are so beatific that they always forget why they have this nice life. They don't need to work. They have a bright family just like a traditional and clam family. What they want to eat, drink, use or even play are always well-prepared by their families. And what they have to do is study. Many people envy it. However, they take it for granted and some of them even don't like this life. They may think that it is too mechanical. They want to be different. But they don't know how nice they have now. For example, just like me I live in a single parent family. I have to go to work with my mother on weekends. When I was a little girl, I just didn't understand why I couldn’t go out with my friends and other people on weekends. Why must I stay there and work? And I always argued with my mother and sometimes higgled. However, I know little by little after I grow up. Yes. My mother loves me and I love my mother though we don't show it to each other. Because of my mother, I know I don't have to worry about that if I can eat or drink enough. I do not have to think if I have a bed to sleep Think over it. Am I fortunate? The answer is "YES". Being fortunate is wonderful. Are you also fortunate like me? Let we appreciate what we have now because time flies. We won't know what will happen tomorrow.

2009年3月2日 星期一 下午01時31分00秒 CST

Jessica 提到...
Appreciate What You Have Now.
There is a stream of invisible strength around us. Can we see it? Of course, we can, but we have to use our heart to sense it. This invisible strength is love: our parent’s love, our friend’s love, our teacher’s love and so on. There must be many people around us love us.
My life is fortunate. I am not a physically challenged person at least and I have my family members who accompany me and love me. When I hear something bad about the mistreating family, I will be angry about it. For example, a few days ago, I watched a piece of news on TV. I heard the reporter mentioned that a young man treated his mother badly. The young man, in order to prepare the test, studied alone in his room and did not eat a lot. His mother was very worried about him, so she decided to make chicken broth for her son. After making the broth, she knocked her son’s room door and entered the room. However, her son paid no attention to her at all. What’s worse, when the mother called the young man, he stood up and pushed and reproved his mother. He even overturned the chicken broth.
Why didn’t he appreciate what he had? What the young man’s mother did is concern him. If she were my mother, I would do her well in return. We should appreciate everything around us, shouldn’t we? If the young man could use his heart to sense his mother’s love and appreciate his mother, his mother would be happy and the world would full of kindness. We should not wait for something until it is gone. We should hold the time and appreciate what we have now.

2009年3月1日 星期日 下午03時24分00秒 CST

我其實有綽號叫小東 然後我的新英文名字叫Cig 提到...
“'On this way to death,it's called miracle”

I am not a sensitive person. To tell the truth, I am pessimistic. For that reason, when I see this sensitive title “Appreciate What You Have Now,” I do not know what I should write. Luckily, there still is something I would like to treasure and appreciate. That is called “Death. “
You may think death can't be the thing we have to appreciate. However, I can tell you that we did have to. We own death when we were born. For most of us, death is a terrible thing which we should avoid as possible as we can. However, it is a necessity to make our life complete. It is so wonderful that I even can say it is a gift from something we don't understand. Why? Because it makes a lot of things in our life become “available.” For example, I know the death will come to me one day, so I work hard to create musical notes and share with the ones I love.
Imagine you can survive forever. What would it be? You may be happy at the first. But how about next? You will find your world would miss something. And that is “hope.” You will tell yourself that you can do the thing you want later, because you will never die. You can get the things you want later, because you will never die. You can make every thing “later,” because you will never die. Then, think over why you live. Without the praise of death, life is nothing.

2009年3月2日 星期一 上午12時22分00秒 CST

Curly 提到...
Appreciate What We Have Now
We may always think we are not perfect or we may never satisfy what we have. We always neglect we possess happiness but notice other persons possess happiness that we want. When we lose our happiness, we will detect what we have. Thich Nhat Hanh said, “When we have a toothache, we know that not having a toothache is happiness. But later, when we don't have a toothache, we don't treasure our non-toothache.”
Sometimes I think about if I can have something that I never get, I would become happier than before, wouldn’t I? But at the same time I may disregard all of happiness that belongs to me. I have parents that love me and many friends who tolerate me, and I have a healthy body. How lucky I am!
I want to thank my parents who use love to take care of me and do not have any complaints. I have to thank my friends who accompany me to go through all of the difficulties I encountered and share with me my delight, anger, sorrow, and happiness. I thank someone who have helped me and even the ones who helped me pick up a pencil. I also have to thank destiny that let me experience good and bad events and let me become mature. I think I am the happiest girl in this world.
I thank past, now, and future. If not having the experience of past, I wouldn’t have today’s me. If not having now, I won’t continue becoming mature in the future. If not having future, I won’t have power to strive in order to finish my dream. I appreciate what I have now sincerely. If you want me to say what I want to appreciate, just “thanks.”

2009年3月2日 星期一 上午12時42分00秒 CST

abo0704181 提到...
People always feel happy when they have a lot of friends around them. These kinds of people do not have opportunities to taste loneliness, so they won’t know how terrible the loneliness is. People who always feel lonely will treasure their friendships carefully. As you were used to having these friends, you wouldn’t know how to treasure your friendship and you wouldn’t know how important your friends were. For example, if you got something easily, you won’t treasure it carefully. If you got something special, you won’t notice the things that were little but interesting. Desires are nourished by delays. You will want to get more things. Maybe you yelled at your friends and you didn’t care about their feelings. When your friends tried to leave you and you feel lonely, you will know how important they were.

One day, you woke up and found that you lost everything. You will feel very nervous and want to change the things that you don’t want to confront. You will think of the things that took place in the past. You will also feel very sorry to the person that you didn’t care very much and want them to come back at that moment.

We need to appreciate the things that we have now. Do not complain about anything that you don’t like. I hope everyone can put the sight a bit wider and be kind to others. If you know how to treasure the things that you have, you may get more wonderful things. Think not on what you lack as much as on what you have.

2009年3月2日 星期一 上午12時52分00秒 CST

Momo 提到...
Appreciate what You Have Now
I love all things in my life although it contains foci and specialty in different periods of time. When I was a kindergarten, I paid much attention to make everyone know me. I loved to take part in race and won it. In fact, I thought honor was the most important thing in my kindergarten time. I grew up. I thought playing and eating were the most important because my mom said: “Eating can help you be strong and tall.” I believed her. I wanted to be strong and tall in my lower grades of elementary. Then, again I wanted to be the number one in my intermediate grades of elementary. I studied hard and gave up playing. I did it. I became the number one in my class, but the good situation wasn’t permanent. I became the person who liked playing. My schoolwork wasn’t the best. When I was degenerated, I met my thankful teacher. She was very stern with me. Because of her, I grew more. I knew something real and important in a person life. She is an important teacher in my life. I still remember her. A significant gradation was my junior high school time. I have treasured them since we were classmates. Although I graduated, I have loved my classmates and teacher. However, I am a senior high school student. I had a big experience in this class. We had a hero—TomEric, my former classmate. He had cancer but he loved studying. He went to school every day for studying even though he had suffered the sickness. I treasured the time, the rest time of his life, I spent with him. I may run into the problems. What do I want to deal with it? Treasure what I have.

2009年3月2日 星期一 上午01時07分00秒 CST

睏寶~ 提到...
Appreciate What You Have Now

Nowadays, many people do not treasure their life and nor many things they have. And most of them feel regretful after they lose them. They just think that everybody or everything they have is required. In fact, these things or people are not ordinary. The relation between people and people is opposite. When I was in junior high school, I read a little story in a book. The story tells there was a little boy who was very poor, so he never wore shoes. He cried everyday and asks “Why don’t I have shoes to wear?” Until one day he saw an old man who lost his leg, he consequently knew that he was so lucky if he still did not have shoes. There is another story that I read many months ago. The story is about a father and a son. The father was very rich, but he had only one son. When the son was eighteen years old, he wanted to buy a birthday gift for his son. So he asked what he wanted, the son said he wanted to have a car. The father said no problem. When the son’s birthday came, his father didn’t send a car to him and sent a Bible to him. The son was very angry and came out of the home and never came back. Many years later, the son finally decided to go back home, when he came back home, his father was dead. He read the Bible that his father gave him. When he read the last page of the Bible, he found a key to a car. He was very sad because his father loved him so much, but he didn’t understand. I think we have to treasure what we have now and appreciate them on the instant. Treasure what you have, too!

2009年3月2日 星期一 上午01時20分00秒 CST

Jane 提到...
Appreciate What You Have Now.
People absolutely have something to treasure or appreciate in mind. However, they may ignore it sometimes, because it can be there and be sensed with hearts. If they just let the thing go, then they will lose it forever.
I had read a story about a little girl. Her father always busied himself with his work and even had no time to have a dinner with her. So she decided to buy an hour of her father’s time. She stored her money as possible as she could, but it was still not enough to do so. One day, when her father was tired after working all day, the little girl asked him for more pocket money. The father was so angry that he yelled at her because he thought she was a grasping girl. But what he didn’t know was she just wanted to buy an hour of his time to have a dinner with him. In this story, the father wanted to give the little girl all the best things, but he ignored the feeling of her. Although he cherished his daughter very much, he concentrated too much on the wrong things.
My treasures are the people around me like my parents, my friends, my classmates, my teachers, and so on. They always support me to do what I want to do. They give me all of their love and care when I need it. When I run into some problems, they help me to solve them with no reasons. I deeply appreciate them, especially my parents. When I am tired, I get angry easily. Sometimes, I even shouted at them; however, they just smiled and forgave what I have done to them. Now, I can’t image if they disappear in my life. So, treasure what I have!

2009年3月2日 星期一 上午01時26分00秒 CST

匿名 提到...
Appreciate What You Have Now
Everyone has some important people in their life, such as family, teacher, friend, and so on. Everyone is growing up at there family, but some children is not, because they are no parents when they come to the world. We all have complete family, but we spend the most part to complain, only a little time to appreciate. However, only some people can appreciate what they have done for them.

When we grow up, we require learning in order to expend our wisdom. So we need teacher to learn things. When teacher teach us, some students listen carefully. But other students are not friendly to their teacher.
In our life, we have many people to appreciate. If we usually complain some things, we can not notice who help us, and forger to thankful other people.
How do we appreciate other people? Except for say ‘‘thanks’’, we also can help them when they in some tribal.
Our parents give us some advice, but we don’t want to hear, even shot with them. I think that is not direct. If we think the advice is not good, we can tell them and think for other things.
So we need to learn “Apperciate What You Have”. Don’t complain all time. Appreciate the people who help you.

2009年3月2日 星期一 下午05時16分00秒 CST

匿名 提到...
When you have all, you will be very happy. When you lack one of the items that most people have, you will be angry. Think over why you often want the one that you do not have and anger about it? Indeed, I always had this kind of thought before. For example, when my younger brother and younger sister had something but I did not have, I would tell myself to get it or have one. Otherwise, I would not sleep well and even did not eat well. However, I changed myelf after I went to a foundation and attended an extracurricular activity to teach and study. This activity not only gave me a special experience but also taught me a lesson because when I went there, I found I was the luckiest person. There I saw some children who did not have parents; they did not have the family warmth, but they still treasure their life. Some children or the old persons were even sick or had cancer. They only have the short time to enjoy the warm sunlight and the gentle moon, but on their face I still found “life.” Looking at them, I feel I am so luck because I have a healthy body and I have a complete family and many close friends. When I was sad, my dad, mom, sister or brother, and friends will accompany me and comfort me. Thus, I should appreciate what I have now because it does not come all easily.

by Ivy Chen

2009年3月3日 星期二 下午01時12分00秒 CST

Vicky 提到...
Appreciate What You Have Now
We always meet many things in our life, but we always spend much time working and don’t notice them, needless to appreciate them. Just take a break and think over what you have had and whom or what you have to appreciate. Maybe you can think nature, parents, friends, money, lovers, and so on.
I think we must treasure our life, because life is given by parents. If you had no life, you wouldn’t have many things around you. Life isn’t equal destiny. You can control life. Why life and destiny are different? The life means functional activity and continual change until death. For example, you know what you should do next, but you don’t know when you pass away. By contrast, the destiny means everything that happens to you in life, including what will happen in the future. It just like you always doesn’t know what happen next.
Many people always want a good life. Unfortunately, they all talk, but no action. If they wanted to have a good life, they should learn how to succeed. For instance, J. K. Rowling has ever been a single mother and amateur writer, but now she is a great success. She took hard care of her daughter and wrote the novels in the past. Why can she succeed? She said,” Prepare to make mistakes--learn from them. You have to be strong and never give up.” I like these sentences. It can be applied in our life. If I have problems, I won’t give up and I will solve them by my wisdom like J.K. Rowling. I will treasure my life and make it beautiful.

2009年3月4日 星期三 上午11時58分00秒 CST

Rita 提到...
Appreciate What You Have Now
There are many happy things in my life so far. I think I should cherish and appreciate what I have now such as family, relatives, friends, classmates, teachers, etc. Everyone influences me a lot. For example, I have family that can protect me. When I get hurt and encounter something bad, they give me many encouragements. I have ten cousins who grew up with me. We share our mood with one another and also have fun together. Likewise, I have friends that can accompany me and make me very happy. When I am sad, they will chat with me and make me feel better. When I have problems, they will help me to solve the problems. I am lucky to have many classmates that can do anything with me together. I have many good teachers that can teach me much knowledge. When I am confused, they will answer my questions. They just like my most important masters in my life.
Look at the people who live in some backward African areas or in other poor countries. They have nothing to eat; they are sick and have no money to go to see a doctor. What about me? I was born in Taiwan and I do not have to worry the meal tomorrow. I am even so lucky that I have a very kind family, friends, classmates and teachers around. I feel very happy now. I will appreciate what I have now.

2009年3月4日 星期三 下午03時00分00秒 CST

匿名 提到...
I have a new life in my senior high school now. I wake up at noon almost everyday and I’m always watching television before I go to school. I won’t go to bed until I am tired of using the computer every night after school. Just like this pattern of my life, I go on with it from day to day….
Days by days, my grades are doing less well than before. One day I had a nightmare: I graduated but everyone had success except me. Some went to college, some got a lot of certificates and some even went aboard. Everyone went to separate ways. Only I, who stand at the corner, do wonder where to go. I said to myself: “If time can come back; then I swear to god I would cherish my life and work very hard and do my best.”
Suddenly I woke up with a big frightening feeling; then I started to think over and over again. Now that I go to the night department school, I have more superiority than the students in the daytime department. We have our own free tine more than them. So, if this is the life I have now, why don’t I cherish them? Why not put our time to good use?
From that moment on, I started to pull myself together. So I got myself a part-time job. And I decided to practice more of my typewriting plus more reading to freshen up my brain and to learn more knowledge.
I realized that life is not about how long you live; it’s about how splendid your life is! Cherish what you own now. Don’t be regretful when you get old and say something like “If time went back, I would….” Try to make each day count. I do love my life!

by Jackie

2009年3月5日 星期四 下午02時42分00秒 CST