2009年4月5日 星期日



1. 句子改寫(第1~5題)(時態)
例:Where is the nearest post office?
Tell me __________________________________________
2. 句子合併(第6~10題)(名詞子句、關係子句、副詞子句、對等子句)
例: I have a brother.
My brother is studying Chinese in college. (用who)
3. 句子重組(第11~15題)
例:Mark ___________________________________________
couldn’t eat / that / nervous / he / so / was

※ 注意事項:
1. 故事內容必須依據試題上的圖片發展 (每一張圖都要講到)
2. 第一句一定是主題句(可用標題中的中文提示),再依照圖片時間順序描述所發生的事,最後一句做總結,或表達對這件事的感受,例如:
We/I/He/She had a good time!
We/I/He/She had a great time!
What a wonderful day!
We/I/He/She had a wonderful day!
3. 時態多用過去式,但還是要依題目提示而定。
4. 人稱一致性。
5. 適切使用連接詞(如and, but, so等)和轉承詞(如first, then, later, finally, the next day等),可有加分作用。
6. 不一定要用很難的字詞,但詞彙運用要得當。
7. 句型正確且要有變化,而非都是S + V + O。
※ 常犯錯誤:

主詞用錯。(例如題目若為:「上個週末你隨父母到……」時,主詞則要用“I”而非 “You”)

一、 複誦
例: She couldn’t come because she was working.
二、 朗讀句子與短文

1. 評分標準:發音語調(不要停頓,流利度影響分數)、文法內容;常考數字。
2. 時態要用對。
3. 不要uh, ah ….
4. 句子要完整。
5. 多講不如正確 (例如:Are you a selfish person? Why or why not? I don’t eat fish.)
6. 常問Advantages and disadvantages
7. 避答馬英九、周蕫之類

例:One: How much does this book cost? (句子)
Six: When Mary woke up this morning, she looked at the clock. What a shock! It was 8:00, and she was late! She put on her clothes quickly and ran all the way to school. But when she got there, the gate was closed. Then she remembered. Today was Sunday! (短文)
※ 複誦與朗讀常犯錯誤:

發音不完全,例如省略尾音(例quiet, spent)。
發音錯誤(例 bed, apple)。。

三、 回答問題
例: Who is the singer you like best? Why?
常考How often? Who? …..

例答:I like Jolin the best because she sings and dances very well.
I like Jolin the best because she is pretty.
Jolin is my favorite singer because her voice is beautiful.
※ 回答問題常犯錯誤:


(1). 代名詞用錯。
(2). 主詞動詞不一致。
(3). 少了V(例I afraid of dark.)或兩個動詞(例I like play basketball.)
(4). 時態錯誤(例I watch TV at home last night.)
中式英文(例I very like you.)。
