2010年5月15日 星期六

B4L9 Chiufen: A Cultural Treasure of Taiwan 台灣文化的瑰寶


1. The town of Chiufen, located on a mountainside overlooking the Pacific Ocean, is regarded as one of Taiwan’s unique cultural treasures.(見第1行)
(1) located on a mountainside是過去分詞片語修飾九份,作「位於山邊」解,是由關係子句which is located on a mountainside簡化而來。

(2) overlooking the Pacific Ocean是現在分詞片語修飾mountainside,作「俯視太平洋」解,是由關係子句which overlooks the Pacific Ocean 簡化而來。
例:The office building overlooking the Keelung River is the highest one in that area.

2. ..., and a chance to let the imagination wander back in time.(見第4行)
(1) 使役動詞let、have跟make的一些常見用法:
a. let/make + O + V
例:I didn’t want to let Jim know that I had once been married.
  It made me understand what a fool I had been to trust a guy like Scott.
b. have + O + p.p.
例:Maggie went to a beauty salon to have her hair done for the wedding.
c. be made to V
例:Lucinda must be made to see that her actions are hurting others.
       Some people believe that rules were made to be broken.

(2) 【比較】
wander v. [I](漫無目的)到處走、徘徊
stroll v. [I](在某處輕鬆地)溜達、閒晃
stride v. [I](有精神或威風地)跨大步走
tiptoe v. [I](用腳尖)躡手躡腳地走

3. Old brick buildings, packed intimately together, one row built just above the other, offer a charming, relaxed view.(見第5行)

(1) packed intimately together 是過去分詞片語,修飾前面的舊磚房,做「緊密地接合」解,是由關係子句which are packed intimately together簡化而來。

(2) one row built just above the other 為片語也修飾前面的舊磚房,其中built是由which is built 簡化而來。just 為副詞作「正好;就在」解,是加強語氣的用法。

(3) view n. [C] 景觀;觀念,看法
point(s) of view n. [片語] 觀點
in view of prep. [片語] 有鑑於
with a view to prep. [片語] 為了要

4. Narrow, dark alleyways, paved in stone that is now worn down by the foot and carriage traffic of many decades, ....(見第7行)

(1) paved in stone 是過去分詞片語修飾前面又窄又暗的小路,做「由石頭鋪設」解,是由關係子句which were paved in stone簡化而來。
人行道的英式說法(British English)是pavement;美式說法(American English)是sidewalk。

(2) that is now worn down by the foot and carriage traffic 為形容詞子句修飾前面的stone,意思是「現在這些石頭被足跡和車輛磨損」。

5. Just as picturesque and romantic as the scenery of Chiufen is the story behind it.(見第11行)
The story behind it is just as picturesque and romantic as the scenery of Chiufen

6. Beginning as a tiny, unknown village, it grew into a booming gold mining town, then later became a peaceful artists? colony, and finally one of the major tourist attractions in northern Taiwan.(見第13行)
Beginning as a tiny, unknown village 為一現在分詞片語,其主詞為後句的it,也就是九份,因為主詞一致所以省略,又因是主動所以用現在分詞,其原子It (Chiufen) began as a tiny, unknown village.

7. ..., it is this fascinating past that has made the town so popular today.(見第16行)
(1) 此句為it is ... that 的句型,為一加強用法,強調的部份為be動詞與that 之間的部份,第三段第二句亦有相同用法:..., it is from these nine families that Chiufen derives its name, ....

(2) has made the town so popular是V + O + OC的結構。

8. Hoping to get rich quick, people flocked to the town, which came to be known as “the gold capital of Asia.”見第28行)
(1) Hoping to get rich quick 為一現在分詞片語,其主詞為people,因為主詞和主要子句一致所以省略。
(2) which came to be known as “the gold capital of Asia” 為非限定子句,補充說明the town,也就是九份。

9. By the 1930s, the town had grown to between 3,000 and 4,000 homes.(見第31行)
by + 時間 表示「在……之前」,主要子句的時態依句意而改變。
例:By the 1960s, the gold was nearly gone.
  By 2020, Tony will have been a teacher for forty years.

10. ..., the town remained as attractive as ever. (見第46行)
remain as + adj. + as ... 保持和……一樣……
例:Nancy remained as young as she was ten years ago.

不完全不及物後接形容詞修飾主詞,即S + Vi + SC
常見之連綴動詞有: to be, to become, to appear, to seem, to get, to grow, to turn, to go, to prove, to remain, to stay, to look, to feel, to smell, to sound, to taste等。
Sarah remained calm. 莎拉保持鎮靜。
The train is slow. 火車是慢的。
James grew tired. 詹姆士變得疲倦。
The milk went bad. 牛奶變壞。
The man died young. 那個人死得早。

11. ..., they can get a feeling of what the town was like nearly a century ago.(見第66行)
(1) of what the town was like nearly a century ago 為介系詞片語,修飾前面的feeling。
【補充】:what the town was like是由疑問句所改變而來的名詞子句,作為介系詞of的受詞。這種由疑問句所改變而來的名詞子句,可以當作句子的主詞或受詞,或者放在介系詞後面當該介系詞的受詞。
例:What you say isn’t always the same as what you really mean.
  I don’t know why he did that, but he must have a good reason.
  Are you aware of how dangerous it is to leave your child alone at home?

(2) be like + N
例:When I found out I’d failed the test, it was like a nightmare.
look like 看起來像是
behave like 行為舉止像是
sound like 聽起來像是
例:Gina’s baby son really looks like his daddy.
  You are twenty-one years old now, so stop behaving like a child.
  The man on the phone sounded like Mr. Anderson, but I’m not sure it was him.

2 則留言:

寶純 提到...

pave the way for 某事/某人

The contract pave the way for future cooperation.

Such opinons pave the way for social change.

Chris' Wonderland 提到...

If something paves the way for/to something else, it makes the other thing possible. So, it seems a little different from what Tako said. Most of the usages focus on something possible.