2010年4月7日 星期三

B4L6 愛過方知 Love and Learn: Two Poems

Paraphrasing Two Poems

A paraphrase of “When I Was One-and-Twenty”:   
When I was 21 years old, I heard some wise advice. The advice was that I should be generous with money, but not with my heart. In other words, I should not fall in love too easily. I should be generous with my wealth, but I should be careful about making love commitments. But I was too young, so I did not listen to this advice.   

When I was 21 years old, I heard still more advice about falling in love. I was told that, when people fall in love, they always have to pay a price. The price they pay is an emotional one. Love brings sadness and regret. Now I am older, and I know from my own experience that all this is true.

A paraphrase of ”Down by the Salley Gardens”:   
Walking down the salley gardens, I did meet my girlfriend. When I saw her there, she looked very lovely and graceful. She told me that we should be patient and should let our relationship develop slowly. But I was too young to appreciate her viewpoint. I wanted our relationship to move more quickly.   

I met with my girlfriend in a field by the river. She laid her beautiful hand on my shoulder. She told me that I should relax and not take life so seriously. But I was too young to appreciate her viewpoint. And now I am very sad. (It suggests that perhaps he lost his girlfriend because he tried to push her too quickly into a relationship.)


常用的轉折詞可分類如下: (1) 表示「因此;所以」: therefore、hence、thus、consequently、as a result (2) 表示反義或語氣轉折: however、nevertheless、still、yet、instead、otherwise、on the contrary (3) 表示「而且;此外;再者」: besides、moreover、furthermore、in addition、what’s more (4) 有關說明或解釋: in other words、that is (to say)、namely、for example/instance B. 含有轉折詞的句子有幾種寫法,除了笛卡兒的名句 “I think, therefore I am.” (我思故我在)在標點上有所例外,其餘若單置於一個句子中,則轉折詞前面要用分號。 例:He didn’t feel well. Therefore, he decided to stay home from school.   = He didn’t feel well; therefore, he decided to stay home from school.   = He didn’t feel well, and therefore he decided to stay home from school.

1 則留言:

Chris' Wonderland 提到...

I used to listen to this song, but I do not know it is the poem we have to learn! Haha! How funny!