2009年8月28日 星期五

Some Questions

Chris, 可以請你幫我解答嗎? 謝謝.

(C)1. The reason James is quitting ________ nothing to do with his company. He is moving abroad.
(A)have (B)had (C)has (D)having 請問選擇(C)的原因是什麼?

The reason (that James is quitting) + V(單數第3人稱) + nothing to do with his company. He is moving abroad.
片語:have/has something to do with (人 or事) 與…(某人or事)…有關
Have/has nothing to do with (人 or事) 與…(某人or事)…無關

(B)2. My father will be back _______ ten. You can call him then.

(A)until (B)by (C)not…until (D)by the time 可以選(A)嗎?

My father will be back by ten. (by在……時間之前)
= My father will not be back until ten. (現在不在,一直到10點才會回來)

(D)3. He thought they would be able to get lunch _______ fifteen francs at Foyot's.

(A)as (B)on (C)by (D)for 可以選(B)嗎?

He sold his car for 500 dollars.

(B)4. Unfortunately, life in Paris was difficult and he came back to work for his father. He never let go of his dream to be a painter though. Cezanne found working or his father dreadful so he returned to Paris. He failed the entrance exam to the most famous art school in Paris, but he clung to his dream. He _____ his mind to be a painter and he would not stop trying until he had achieved success.

(A)had made out of (B)had made up (C)makes up (D)made up to 請問選擇(B)的原因是什麼?

作者現在敘述過去在Pairs的事,所以都用過去式,而作者更早前就已經下定決心當painter,所以才用had + pp.
下定決心 make up one’s mind

1 則留言:

寶純 提到...

Thank you, Chris.
I understood some reasons about questions.