2009年3月17日 星期二


Here are the answers to the questions of Lesson 3:
Section I:
1. mascot, 2. socialize, 3. stuffed, 4. chanted, 5. pitcher, 6.university, disappointed, 8. chat,
9. nonstop, 10. rule, 11. presented, 12. differ, 13. analyzed, 14. based, 15. society

Section II:
1. different, playing, where, tradition, to, run, much, simply, socialize, analysis

Section III:
1. D, 2. A, 3. D, 4. B, 5. B, 6. C, 7. D, 8. C

Section IV:
2. The reason for my being late was that my car broke down on my way here.
3. the reason for his absence from the meeting was that he was seriously sick.
4. The reason for his dropping out of school was that his father went bankrupt.
5. The reason for Zoe's popularity is that she has a pleasant personality.

Section V:
1. The fans were so excited that they chanted and cheered nonstop throughout the game.
2. After hitting a home run, the player was presented with a stuffed elephant, which is his team's mascot.
3. To Americans, going to a baseball game with friends is a way to catch up on their lives.

Section VI:
1. B, 2. A, 3. A, 4. D, 5. C
