2011年2月28日 星期一


【補充練習】 Choose an appropriate phrase to fill in each blank.
1. 自從我們分開之後他的際遇如何?
What has ________ him since we parted?
2. 似乎沒有人知道這個狀況是如何發生的。
Nobody seems to know how this situation ________.
3. 學期中有三位同學休學。
Three students ________ in the middle of the semester.
4. 這家公司的財務紀錄似乎有問題,最好找人調查一下看看是什麼問題。
There seems to be something wrong with the company’s financial recordkeeping. Someone had better ________ it and find out what the problem is.
5. 我們必須找到一家加油站。我們的油要用完了。
We have to find a gas station. Our gas is ________.
6. 約翰很喜歡戴芬妮,但是他不知道該如何約她。
John likes Daphne very much, but he doesn’t know how to ________.
7. 這台機器一定有問題。我來看看。
There must be something wrong with this machine. Let me ________.
8. 這枝筆很貴,你不應該送掉。
This pen is very expensive. You should not ________.
9. 你花了多少時間把它組裝起來?
How long did it take you to ________?
10. 這是申請表格,請你填寫。
 This is the application form. Please ________.
1. become of 2. came about 3. dropped out 4. look into 5. running out 6. ask her out 7. check it out 8. give it away 9. put it together 10. fill it out
