2009年8月30日 星期日

Your Conversation! (Sample)

briancromer.com; lisisoft.com; econsultancy.com; jimmyspa.com; yogibear.blogbus.com; edmundlum.spaces.live.com; teach.ideasite.net; paulabecker.com; blog.huayuworld.org;


Chris,第八週英文遠東高職第二冊 Review B2L1-4,題目共有54題,所以答案少給了四題,我怕Chris沒有題目,所以我附加問題給你^^
(D)51. The _______ in ancient Egypt were built as tombs for the kings and queens who ruled Egypt at the time.(A)fireworks (B)humans (C)states (D)pyramids

(C)52. About sixty percent of students are able to complete a bachelor’s degree within four years after entering ______ .(A)elementary (B)contest (C)college (D)club

(C)53. All and all, the interview was quite an ________ to me. I will never forget it.(A)organization (B)athlete (C)event (D)excuse

(B)54. I found several jobs available in state and ________ government websites.(A) male (B)local (C)crowded (D)usual

Some Questions

(D)1. Everybody has a laugh that ________ special to him.
(A)does (B)has (C)makes (D)is 請問(C)可以選嗎?
“It is special to him” or “it means a lot to him.”
-->這件事(物)對他特別 (特別的是此事物)
"It makes him special."不同意思-->這件事(物)讓他特別 (特別的是這個人)

(B)2. The teacher is making us ________ a crossword puzzle.
(A)did (B)do (C)doing (D)to do 請問選擇(B)是因為使役動詞(make)嗎?
When we do homework, exercise, housework, shopping, laundry, and the like, we usually use the verb “do.” A crossword puzzle is a kind of vocabulary exercise.

(C)3. All you have to do ________ me her name.
(A)is telling (B)to tell (C)is tell (D)is told 請問選擇(C)的原因是什麼?
All [you have to do] + V(主要動詞) + (to常被省略) V + me her name.

(D)4. The Seikan Tunnel is now the longest railway tunnel in the world, at 53.9km(33.4 miles). It is 2.4 miles longer than the second longest tunnel, the Channel Tunnel, and almost six times longer than one of the earliest long tunnel, the Hoosac Tunnel. The Seikan Tunnel connects the Japanese islands of Honshu and Hokkaido, as part of the JR Kaikyo Line. The tunnel was completed in 1988. The volcanic rock under the Tsugaru Strait was too unstable for boring, so engineers had to break most of the tunnel out with dynamite.
How long is the Hoosac Tunnel?
(A)33.4 miles (B)2.4 miles (C)31 miles (D)Around five miles.

six times longer (6倍)than one of the earliest long tunnel, the Hoosac Tunnel. (33.4÷ 6 = 5.5)

2009年8月28日 星期五

Some Questions

Chris, 可以請你幫我解答嗎? 謝謝.

(C)1. The reason James is quitting ________ nothing to do with his company. He is moving abroad.
(A)have (B)had (C)has (D)having 請問選擇(C)的原因是什麼?

The reason (that James is quitting) + V(單數第3人稱) + nothing to do with his company. He is moving abroad.
片語:have/has something to do with (人 or事) 與…(某人or事)…有關
Have/has nothing to do with (人 or事) 與…(某人or事)…無關

(B)2. My father will be back _______ ten. You can call him then.

(A)until (B)by (C)not…until (D)by the time 可以選(A)嗎?

My father will be back by ten. (by在……時間之前)
= My father will not be back until ten. (現在不在,一直到10點才會回來)

(D)3. He thought they would be able to get lunch _______ fifteen francs at Foyot's.

(A)as (B)on (C)by (D)for 可以選(B)嗎?

He sold his car for 500 dollars.

(B)4. Unfortunately, life in Paris was difficult and he came back to work for his father. He never let go of his dream to be a painter though. Cezanne found working or his father dreadful so he returned to Paris. He failed the entrance exam to the most famous art school in Paris, but he clung to his dream. He _____ his mind to be a painter and he would not stop trying until he had achieved success.

(A)had made out of (B)had made up (C)makes up (D)made up to 請問選擇(B)的原因是什麼?

作者現在敘述過去在Pairs的事,所以都用過去式,而作者更早前就已經下定決心當painter,所以才用had + pp.
下定決心 make up one’s mind

New Semester, New Information!

8月31日各班幹部訓練、第一節課開學典禮,請導師隨班輔導;第二、三節註冊 ;第四打掃 15分鐘完成 + 排新座位五節導師時間(至語言教室完成GEPT for intermediate if the time is available)。

September 1: 暑假作業複習考
September 18: 選社團(17:50~19:25)
September 19: 下午學校日活動

October 1: 1.2節 高職學生國語文能力檢測
October 14-15: 第1次期中考試
October 1-15: 高職優良閱讀心得競賽送件
October 19: 高一、二、三第1次學業競試(數)
October 22: 北市閱讀擂台初賽(國文) --注意日間部訊息(學校網頁)

November 2: 北市英語字彙比賽 (北市英語擂台賽)
November 2-24: 校慶運動會各項預賽
November 13: 校內國語文競賽

December 5: 北市英語歌唱比賽
December 1-6: 第2次期中考試
December 14: 高二作業抽查
December 16: 週記抽查 (8篇)
December 17: 高一、二、三第2次學業競試(英)

January 15,18,19: 期末考

2009年8月26日 星期三

wow 開學要交作業窩 !!!!

開學要繳交的作業 :
1. 期末考 英文聽力的訂正 (考卷要夾在上面窩)
2. 英檢試題本 整本寫完 總共六回 一個回合 算一項作業 所以 總共會有 六項作業
3. 六本小說 9/30以前唷 !!!!
4. 多益 P235~258
5. 有複習考窩 國文 第二冊 L1.
英文 高中課本 第一冊+第二冊 高職課本 第一冊+第二冊
數學 多項式
英文聽力 空英7月
6. 順便檢查自己的成績窩 !!!!

P.S. 第一項作業 + 第二項作業 因為複習考 所以 截止日期延後 最慢最慢 9/7號之前要交齊
全部都交 會有七個勾勾


Chris, 可不可以請你放第三週&第五週&第七週解答
1.第三週作業---Review B1L9-12 and B3L5 vocabulary
2.第五週作業---Revie B2L1-4 and B3L7-8 vocabulary
3.第七週作業---Review B2L9-12 and B3L10 vocabulary

以及Week 1,2,3,4 magazine 初級&中級的解答
(Week 3,4 magazine 解答打不開)

2009年8月25日 星期二


國文作文:1.用作文600格稿紙寫 字數1000~1500 2.繳交期限:在9/7之前交即可 3.超過9/7繳交,就真的要扣分了!



2009年8月23日 星期日


Chris, 可以請你講解一下嗎? 謝謝你喔^^

(C)1. With so many confusing questions, why not _____ the easier ones?
(A)add to (B)take over (C)start with (D)fill up (A)可以選嗎?

The phrase “with so many confusing questions” refers that the speaker has “many questions” that he or she does not know, so the speaker, of course, suggests starting from the easier ones of these questions. Therefore, you cannot add other questions to the ones already exist.

(D)2. I can’t find my keys. I must _____ them at home.
(A)leave (B)have leave (C)be left (D)have left (A)可以選嗎?

Remember what you have learned in the summer English class. If you are talking or guessing something happening in the past, then you use “must have + pp.” By contrast, if you have a strong guess about something happening at present and in the future, then you use “must root-verb.”

(B)3. Tim doesn’t want to live an ______ life. He is always looking for excitement.
(A)common (B)ordinary (C)scientist (D)universal (A)可以選嗎?

The meaning is correct. However, see the precedent article “an” so you can only choose the word that starts with a vowel sound.

(B)4. In the past, the leaves of sweet potatoes were fed _______ pigs; but now people like to eat them.
(A)at (B)to (C)by (D)on (D)可以選嗎?

People feed pigs on/with sweet potatoes. 人們以蕃薯餵豬。
Sweet potatoes (食物) was fed to pigs (針對豬,給豬的).

(A)5. Our teammates didn’t put the blame on Jack, ________ on me.
(A)but (B)instead (C)instead of (D)rather (B)可以選嗎?

The word “instead,” an adverb, is usually put in the beginning or the last of the sentence used to modify the whole sentence. In this sentence, we can tell there are two events: Our teammates did not blame Jack, but they blamed me. So, if you put “instead,” you should put a conjunction or a semicolon.

Chris, 我知道這一題你上課有講解過,但可不可以再請你再講解一次, 謝謝!
No problem. I love your active and positive attitude.

2009年8月18日 星期二


上天 想說什麼

資料來源: http://mass-age.com/wpmu/blog/2009/08/17/6976/

分類: 每日評論 | 作者:陳文茜 |
日期: 8月 17th, 2009 | 語言:簡繁 / 中英
2009 年8月8日大雨雖已無情的傾落南部山中,台灣的總統初始會報只責怪當時氣象局預報不準與水利署治水無效。就在這場卸責會議後不到數小時,小林滅村,金帥屋 倒,荖濃溪潰堤。上天無情的步伐,摧毀數百萬人的家園,雨一直落,落到周美青勘災時,一位災民竟求她祈天,「請祂高抬貴手,不要再下雨了。」我們的反省, 抵不上上天落雨的速度…
2009 年8月8日大雨雖已無情的傾落南部山中,台灣的總統初始會報只責怪當時氣象局預報不準與水利署治水無效。就在這場卸責會議後不到數小時,小林滅村,金帥屋 倒,荖濃溪潰堤。上天無情的步伐,摧毀數百萬人的家園,雨一直落,落到周美青勘災時,一位災民竟求她祈天,「請祂高抬貴手,不要再下雨了。」我們的反省, 抵不上上天落雨的速度。

2009年8月15日 星期六



W4 雜誌 (basic level) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6H9c7g8iG4

W4 雜誌 (intermediate level) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SLbmNiiNks

2009年8月11日 星期二

很重要窩 !!!!

1. 小英英 會去陽明山上 所以他最近會很忙很忙 作業要交的話 還是寄給他 但是你們也要在寄給我一份 你們可以用及時通也可以用信箱 但我怕我不會一值都呆在及時通前面 所以用計的比較保險 如果怕我沒收到可以用及時通流言給我 這樣我才會把你們的作業打勾 我也會不定時的po作業成績再班上 有任何疑問要馬上問 因為之前發生很多寄作業給小英英 但他沒收到
2. 之前作業還有問題的要快點來跟我說 不然我不會幫你們改調那個成績 然後最好寄完作業 檔案不要太早刪除 以免他沒收到 要再寄一次沒有檔案 至於之前的 你們如果把檔案刪了 要慢慢補 然後再寄給他 但是可以放心 你們的作業已經打勾了 也不算遲交(針對那些寄信發生錯誤的人) 所以還有錯誤的要快點說窩 !!
3. 你們上週8/5號的作業 有要交的人 寄一份檔案給小英英 但也如同第一點說的 要跟我說 或是也寄一份給我 讓我幫你們作業成績打勾 不然如果我不知道 你們就會一直保持作業沒交的紀錄 這禮拜8/15前 跟我說 都算準時 因為現在才公佈這消息 但我也是昨天才知道唷 不好意思 !!!
4. 這週的作業已經po再班網上 要準時作作業 : HSB2L5-8; B3L9 vocabulary; magazine W3
5. 沒交作業的有控要快點補交挖 !!!
6. 那個錄音作業也要快點作囉 :))

本人的即時通窩 : sanguinary_dark@yahoo.com.tw

2009年8月9日 星期日


W3 Magazine for Basic and Intermediate Level

W3 Intermediate level: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2Is2wjeOLg
W3 Basic level: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_n2bQ0lARA

2009年8月8日 星期六

Learning Language Is Difficult...

Alice, my friend, just sent me a joke (see below) and I'd like to share it with you and see if you will smile on it. In fact, one of my friends happened to the situation before. The story goes like this:

My friend did not know how to speak Taiwanese, but he was going to see his girlfriend's mother, who came from a Taiwanese family. So, we tried hard to teach him at least one sentence: "Auntie, how are you?" (In Taiwanese: 阿Mm, 你吼?)
However, when he met his girlfriend's mother, he said, "Mother, how are you?" (In Taiwanese: 阿母, 你吼?) Since then, he has had a nickname: 阿母!

Source: unknown (please let me know if you know the source. TKS)

Check your grade !!!!

如果成績有錯誤,可以來跟我說,看看是什麼問題,任何問題都可以來問我 !!!
沒交作業的要快點交 !!!
有需要解答的也可以來跟我拿 :)

PS. 台科大(作業存放區)網頁這2天停線




「暑期每週的網路作業」也許會帶給大家生活上些許的壓力,不過,這是為開學複習考所做的準備,希望你們能堅持下去。 到目前為止,最讓老師感動的Jessica Wang, Curly, Annie, Lucy, Winny, Winnie, Iris, Lisa等同學,始終如期交券。Dexter也進步很多! 希望其他同學要克服時間、空間的困難,完成作業繳交!




2009年8月5日 星期三


The one who did not finish his or her assignments still can hand in papers though it definitely influences the grade.

W1: Basic level: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCHmi2Y981o
Basic level:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzbhPcbwvGM
Intermediate level: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mn3E7A-2Ppk

B1L1-4 & Vocabulary 這個檔案無法刪除故請忽略