2009年1月11日 星期日

Comment on Your Final Talk

The following are the comments on your final talk.

1.You are talking to your audience, not reciting.
Good performer:
Amy (可以去出國比賽了,可惜內容太少), Freddy(建議去髒話,發音的精確性要再練練), Ed (建議去guys此字,要有自信些), Winny (小杜,可以加點戲劇化的intonation), Mr. Wan (可惜內容用字錯誤太多)

2.Interaction helps you not to focus on reciting.

3.Your nervous makes you lose your confidence.

4.Poor pronunciation makes your audience lose interest.
Good performers (Too many to count):
Jessica Wang (儘量把filler "um"去掉), Winnie, Jessica, Michelle, Alice, Alin, Jackie, Claire, Shelly, Amy, Momo, Winny, Ivy Wang, Ivy Chen, Lina, Lucy, etc.
另外Clark, Iris (小鴨), Tako, Irene(捲捲) 寒假要做shadow reading (尾音不要太重,讓人覺得有點Taiwanese/Japanese腔)
Peter, Kenny等有幾個音要注意,寒假也要努力做shadow reading

5.Intonation adds color and interest to your talk.

6.Content is a big deal.
有待加強--知識性或趣味性? 找出讓人感興趣的內容,活潑的將它表演出來!
Dexter, the content of your talk is good. Yet, it is too short.

7.You need to learn how to overcome the embarrassment—forgetting lines.
Find out your own ways!

PS. The ones who would like to know the detail of the comment about you, please come to see me.
