2008年8月29日 星期五

Syllabus of Practical English (實用英文)

Fall, 2008

Instructor: Dr. Yuying Chris Chang
Philosophy: I cannot do everything, but I can do something. I won’t refuse doing something that I can do.

1. 學習英語聽、說、讀及寫的技能
To learn four English skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing
To pass GEPT and get high score on TOEIC test

指定用書 Teaching Materials
1. TOEIC課本: Preparation Series for the New TOEIC Test
2. 常春藤雜誌 Ivy magazines

評分標準 Evaluation
1.期中、期末考Exams 60%
2.平時評量 40%
(1)出席、參與率 Class attendance and participation
(2)測驗 Quizzes
