2008年9月30日 星期二




2008年9月29日 星期一

Use Your Time Well

Dear all,

Because of the typhoon, we have one day off. That means you do not have to go to school on Monday. Here I suggest you stay home studying for the first exam. For the schedule seriously lags behind, I plan to use all the class time to go over lessons 2, 3, and 4. So, in the following week, we will only foucs on the magazine and English Reader, not TOEIC.

Wish us luck!


PS. The typhoon disorders our schedule. For that reason, we still stick to the topic of "my friend." As to the "book" review, we have to wait until we go over lesson 3.

2008年9月27日 星期六


12.星期一要交英文習作喔! (reminded by Susan)


2008年9月22日 星期一


Let's win the big prize.

1. 英文擂台賽、國文深耕網各年級資料已更新完畢,帳號、密碼為"sl+學號",請同學踴躍上網

2. 全國高級中等學校讀書心得寫作比賽

2008年9月21日 星期日

Something Needed to Be Done

1.大家快快熟悉英文歌The start of something new



1.9/22(一) 第一組的英文重點整理(從今天開始每天被國文單字五個)

2.9/22(一) 英閱讀測驗 考閱讀第4章




6.9/25(四)考遠東單字1 ~ 9面

7.9/26(五)第二週常春藤週考(考卷) English Talk: introduce one of your friends.







2008年9月20日 星期六


We will not go over lesson 2 of the FarEast English Readers for the time limited, so you need to read it yourself.


1. 9/22(一) 第一組的英文重點整理
2. 9/22(一) 英閱讀測驗 看到第4章完
3. 9/22(一) 英閱讀測驗 考閱讀第4章
4. 背國文注釋第一課
5. 週記
6. 9/23(二) 考第三週常春騰英文單字 提早準備
7. 9/24(三) 第三週常春騰週考(考卷) 提早準備
8. 9/26(五) 第二週常春騰週考(考卷) 提早準備 /English Talk: introduce one of your friends.
9. 9/30(二) 考第四週常春騰英文單字
10. 10/1(三) 第四週常春騰週考(考卷)
11. 9/25 考遠東單字 ~ 9面
13. 禮拜1(9/22) 每天背國文單字×5
14. 每天背遠東單字一面
15. 每天照進度看常春騰(融會貫通)

P.S : 請不要囤積太多作業,以免考試不順,作業太多,未來的路在你們手上,請努力。

2008年9月17日 星期三

What You Have to Do

Hello everyone, I am the class leader, JD.

There are some things you have to do and know :

A. 09/17 (三) 班會課要上英文課,請記得帶遠東課本。
B. 09/18(四) 第一節課為參觀圖書館,晚自習請各位自行前往。
C. 09/19 (五) 之前請重新分組,組長為原先那五個,請各自找好自己的組長與組員。
D. 09/19 (五) 之前請將班費200元繳交給事務股長,逾期者一天罰50元班費,如有困難請事先通知。
E. 09/20(六) 第一次班遊,請參加者務必不要遲到(以下附上通知單)。
F. 各位幹部請做"好"自己份內的工作,不要隨便交差了事。
G. 請大家趕快熟悉英文歌 The start of something new (以下附上網址)。

時間:2008年09月20日 星期六 中午12點
地點:長壽駛前 http://www.llbbq.com.tw
   台北市福國路52號 (02) 2835-2283
緊急連絡人:巫明峰(班長) 0981-227-916
      潘琬琳(風紀) 0930-709-727
行程:中午十二點在捷運芝山站一號出口集合 → 前往長壽駛前用餐(預計費用為四百一十塊不加交通費) → 預計下午兩點用餐完畢 → 各自解散
附註:此次活動舉辦費用須向參加人員酌收十塊錢(紙張影印費、電話通訊費),如各位家長須要在活動解散後,傳簡訊通知,請貴子女向班長說一聲,並且附上手機號碼;另外,當天如因故不能到者,請記得打電話給班長,十塊錢則不另外退環,有任何疑問請洽巫明峰(班長) 0981-227-916,謝謝。

2008年9月16日 星期二

Today is Tuesday



2.考動詞三態 P250~251


4.記得錄--英文發音課的那個有一張單子(標題:Sleep Disorder)要錄音

2008年9月14日 星期日

Homework !






4.記得錄---(英文發音)課的那個有一張單子(標題:Sleep Disorder)要錄音


Thank Susan for the supplementary comment.
有一張單子(標題:Sleep Disorder)要錄音,老師要當作業的那個。

2008年9月11日 星期四

Keep Working Hard!

Dear all,

We need to thank your English mini-teachers. With their help, we can see your achievement so quickly. The ones who missed the test and who did not do well must work harder than others. Keep studying!

2008年9月9日 星期二

Something U have to do and know...

a. Your upper classmates will give you a reception party in your English course this Thursday.

b. You need to bring two textbooks (i.e. TOEIC and FarEast English Readers) this Friday.

c. 週五記得帶2B鉛筆

d. 亦塘現在在榮總92病床--The mini-teachers of every subject can share what you've learned there if necessary. May God bless him and each of us! (Sep. 10)

1.週記遲交一天扣十分!!!!!(very terrible)







搶救高中生素質/劉揆:辦高中會考 當畢業門檻

更新日期:2008/09/09 05:39


Placement Test on Listening

This Friday we will take place a placement test on learning. Class, please bring your 2B pencils.

2008年9月7日 星期日

Know Your Score and Read the Comment

Dear all,

Please see your score and read your writing with my comment here. (http://homepage.ntust.edu.tw/YUYING/ --> 教授課程簡介 --> English Reading --> school report and Introduction with Comment)

應用外語科 一年六班
      intro. revised
座號 姓名   9月1日 9月6日
1 尹浚丞 Momo 100 85
2 毛善達 Dexter 100 99
3 伊 帝 ED 90 99
4 吳亦唐 Eric 90 99
5 巫明峰 JD 100 99
6 周昱昇 Kenny 90 54
7 陳廷源 Clark 80 63
8 游林東 Freddy 0 32
9 黃孝賢 Peter 0 30
10 萬嘉恩 Nas 0 0
11 劉力文 Vincent 100 76
12 王 瑄 Alice 100 65
13 王思文 Ivy 100 78
14 王珮琪 Lucy 100 99
15 王淑絹 Jessica 100 99
16 江 珊 Jackie 100 56
17 江 玲 Jessica 90 81
18 吳羿萱 Claire 100 58
19 李惠娟 Annie 100 99
20 杜玟諭 Winny 100 99
21 周泯均 Kelly 90 96
22 林呈晏 Vicky 90 74
23 林虹伶 Anna 0 73
24 邱微馨 Irene 100 62
25 柯靜雅 Belinda 80 90
26 張怡君 Tako 100 80
27 張敏兒 Michelle 90 61
28 郭予文 Dora 100 62
29 郭嘉文 Winnie 90 99
30 郭寶純 Lina 100 96
31 陳艾閩 Amy 100 71
32 陳怡翔 Sherry 100 93
33 陳玟卉 Lisa 100 99
34 陳書琦 Susan 100 79
35 陳暐涵 Ivy 80 43
36 游宜蓁 Vicky 100 99
37 黃湘淳 Iris 100 85
38 黃雯華 Eva 90 90
39 葉瑞瑜 Rita 100 71
40 潘婉琳 Alin 100 99
41 賴雅淳 Jane 80 99

Here is Tom Eric's introduction. I hope you can read it and learn more about him and even reflect yourself.

Tom Eric 提到...

I was born on a warm, sunny day in July in Peitou, Taipei, and I go to school at Peitou junior high school. I live with my Dad, Morris; my Mom, Ruby; and my brother, David. We live happily because our family is always filled with fun and joy. Sometimes we fight like cats and dogs, but won't hurt the feeling between us. Life to me means friends and family whom you can trust and who trusts you. I am pretty much looking at the happy side of life, but like all teens I do have my "days off" that means I do have some sad days or depressed days. Nothing can be smooth as you want. That's what people say: lifetime is always mixed with sour, sweet, bitter, and spicy. As I said in the beginning, I was born here in Peitou and I 've lived here for my teenage period.

I really hope I can see more of the world. Iin order to reach such a target, I hence have to study hard to obtain strong educational background and then I can fly higher and higher as eagles to overlook the Earth. By the way, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Tom Eric. I am going to be 16 years old soon. I am very pleased to be here with you guys in the same class for the upcoming four years. Let's hand in hand to make efforts on schoolwork during these four years under our homeroom Teacher's guidance and become excellent while we stepping into the society.

2008年9月5日 星期五

Grading Your Revised Introduction

Dear all,

I am going to grade your revised introduction this Satursday afternoon, so you need to post it by 12:00, this Satursday. So far, you still have a chance to revise it. The grading policy includes your content, length (at least 100 words), correct grammar, and spelling.

Good luck to you!


2008年9月4日 星期四

Placement Test--Oral Performance

You'll have an oral placement test in the evening of September 5.
Topic: My School Life
Time: 2 to 3 minutes
The process of your performance will be video-taped.


See the example:
or the winner

2008年9月2日 星期二

Respond to Your Introduction

Listening drills: http://www.esl-lab.com/index.htm
Learning website: http://www.hsenglish.com.tw/
GEPT: http://www.gept.org.tw/
TOEIC: http://www.toeic.com.tw/

Dear all,

After reading 30 students' introduction, I am glad to know that most of you love English and hope to learn it well. To be honest, I am not afraid your English is not good enough, but afraid that you do not have enthusiasm to keep learning it. So, let's start working on it. After all, actions speak louder than words.

The following are few things you need to do:
1. You needs to read the Ivy magazine each day and listen to the broadcast or the disc once you get it. Try to memorize the words you do not know because your vocabulary size is still too small.

2. Jessica C., Jackie, Tako, Jane, and Ivy, you group leaders have to start guiding your dear classmates to learn English. I believe each of you has your own way to help classmates move on in English. No matter what you do, remember, you need to hold group meetings each week at least and discuss what you've learned.

3. Again, you group leaders need to take turns posting the important information each week on the blog each week. I prefer reading English to Chinese.

Just let me know if you need any help.