2009年6月23日 星期二


To polish your language skill, I strongly suggest you have to read aloud every day and keep writing at least every week!

I. 作業內容 Assignments
1. 開學複習考Review Test: B1 and B2 for High School (HS) and Vocationa High (VHS)
2. 開學複習考Magazine in July
3. 小說閱讀 IWiLL Reading Challenge (6 novels) 使用方法請閱讀 2009年1月31日 星期六blog
4. B3 vocabulary
5.對話演示 Choose two of the conversations from the textbooks and video-tape them: either using a video camera (or a cell phone) or using PowerDirecter (or Ulead Studio). 參考http://projectwriting.blogspot.com/
6. 多益p.238~p.258

分組名單B1B2: (you can add roles if necessary)
L1: 16, 23, 26
L2: 13, 17, 20, 32; 24, 28, 40, 41; 1, 31, 30, 29; 6, 3, 10, 2
L3: 38, 21; 8, 9
L4: 6, 3, 10, 2; 25, 27, 35, 37, 22
L5: 11, 14; 24, 28
L6: 11, 14; 40, 41; 16, 23, 26

L7: 38, 21; 18, 19
L8: 8, 9; 33, 34, 39, 15, 12
L9: 33, 34, 39, 15, 12; 25, 27, 35, 37, 22

每個人都有2次的成績, 超過加分計

II. 暑假平日網路複習測驗 (包括職校與普通高中課本: 掛網時間3到5天, 若有問題或困難及早告知)
July 8: HSB1L1-4; B3L1-2 vocabulary
July 15: HSB1L5-8; BL3-4 vocabulary
July 22: HSB1L9-12; B3L5 vocabulary; magazine W1
July 29: VHSB1L1-4 & 5-8; B3L6 vocabulary; magazine W2
August 5: HSB2L1-4; B3L7-8 vocabulary
August 12: HSB2L5-8; B3L9 vocabulary; magazine W3
August 19: HSB2L9-12; B3L10vocabulary; magazine W4
August 26: VHSB2L1-4 & 5-8; ; B3L11-12 vocabulary

所有作業及測驗練習皆列入下學期英文, 實英, 及英文聽講成績計算

5 則留言:

Chris' Wonderland 提到...

分組 : 25,27,35,37,22 (L9,L4) 34,33,39,15,12(L9,L8) 13,17,20,32(L2,L1) 6,3,10,2(L4,L2) 1,31,30,29(L2,L1) 13,23,26(L1,L6) 38,21(L3,L7) 18,19(L5,L7) 8,9(L8,L3) 11,14(L5,L6)

Chris' Wonderland 提到...

Is it the same?

分組 : 25,27,35,37,22 (L9,L4) 34,33,39,15,12(L9,L8) 13,17,20,32(L2,L1) 6,3,10,2(L4,L2) 1,31,30,29(L2,L1) 13,23,26(L1,L6) 38,21(L3,L7) 18,19(L5,L7) 8,9(L8,L3) 11,14(L5,L6)

寶純 提到...


寶純 提到...

8/26怎麼又出現B3L6 vocabulary

B3L6 vocabulary不是在7/29就有了嗎??

Chris' Wonderland 提到...

Thank you.