2010年11月13日 星期六

L6 文法練習部分

L6 P.132文法練習

3. Were it not for your support, I couldn’t be able to cope with difficulties.

→原句為:If it were not for your support, I couldn’t be able to cope with difficulties.


4. If it were not for the Internet, we couldn’t find the information we need so quickly.

→倒裝:Were it not for the Internet, we couldn’t find the information we need so quickly. (此句屬於”與現在事實相反”的假設)

6. Had it not been for the kind lady, I might have been lost forever.

→原句為:If it had not been for the kind lady, I might have been lost forever.


7. If it had not been for that kind student, I wouldn’t have been able to pay the fare.

→倒裝:Had it not been for that kind student, I wouldn’t have been able to pay the fare. (此句屬於”與過去事實相反”的假設)
