2010年10月21日 星期四

Answers to the Midterm Exam (Project Learning)

1. What is Project Learning?
Project Learning is a course that offers you a chance to go beyond what you know and to think and incorporate ideas by others, and to submit your integrated papers. To get involved in this course, you will write a detailed study of a subject. Next, you will access the Internet, to check out books from the library, and perhaps to interview several people to discover information or reach a new understanding. Then, to present your integrated works, you will need to polish your writing ability and presentation skill. Lastly, your project will take place in groups. In other words, when you are evaluated, it is largely in relation to your contribution to the project work. Wait! Here is the most important thing: self-studying and asking questions are the major keys. If you don’t study and ask, you will never learn!

2. Why should high school students need to learn Project Learning?
It is a required course whose purpose is to develop students' ability of creation and integration. That is, it helps students to develop the problem-solving ability, to enhance independent learning and cooperative learning attitude, to encourage critical thinking about the world, to integrate what students have learned into works, to build up the skills and requirements of doing research at college or in the future career.  Meanwhile, while doing the research project, students can care about the society and even the world. 
Research Project can be made more enjoyable and productive through individual and cooperative effort. For you, research techniques are a product of experience rather than formal training because this course helps you experience methods of discovery, critical thinking, logical analyses, and problem-solving and even reach the demands of the community.
3. The criteria of the introduction of the research paper:
a. Motivation (Background)
b. Research questions (or hypotheses)
c. Methods
d. Purposes
e. Expected findings (hypotheses)
