2010年4月2日 星期五

B4L5 Steven Spielberg


1. One of them, Steven Spielberg, is a household name.(第5行)
(1) Steven Spielberg 是one的同位語,與該名詞地位相同。同位語不僅可以是單字,也可以為短語,以補充說明前面的名詞。
(2) a household name: a very well-known person 家喻戶曉的人物

2. At twelve, he started making his own short films with his dad’s movie camera.(第12行)
 at twelve = at age twelve = at the age of twelve

3. At age sixteen, Spielberg made his first feature-length film, Firelight.(第17行)
(1) a feature-length film(標準長片)指的是片長九十分鐘或九十分鐘以上的電影
(2) Firelight《火光》,在文中當受詞同位語,指Spielberg的首部標準長片。

4. But never had he felt discouraged.(第22行)
本句為倒裝句型,原句為”But he had never felt discouraged.”
本句的句型是:否定副詞 + 助動詞 + S + V (否定副詞有never, hardly, seldom, rarely, little等。)

5. Instead, he regularly bluffed his way onto the Universal Studios’lot.(第22行)
(1) bluff one’s way onto/into ...: = succeed in doing something by deceiving others 矇混過關

6. He used an empty office as his own while trying to talk producers into looking at his films.(第23行)
(1) while trying ... 為分詞構句,原句可解釋為while he was trying ...。
(2) talk someone into V-ing = persuade someone to V 說服某人做某事

7. His twenty-two-minute film called Amblin? won awards at the Venice and Atlanta film festivals.(?第26行)
Amblin’ 安培林》(1968):史匹柏決定拍一部能吸引好萊塢製片以及資金的片子,這部電影片只花十天就拍成。二十二分鐘,從頭到尾沒有對白,劇情描述兩個在公路上搭便車的青少年發展出的友情與愛情故事,史匹柏自嘲本片「不過是一部百事可樂廣告片」,然而,本片卻為他在1969年時贏得亞特蘭大及威尼斯影展獎項,影評人與電影業界也開始注意這位年僅二十歲的青年導演。本片還為史匹柏贏得環球電視部的一紙七年合約。

8. At twenty, Spielberg was the youngest director ever to get such a deal.(第29行)
最高級形容詞+ (N) + ever + to V
例:Paul is the shortest boy ever to play basketball on this team.

【補充】最高級形容詞 + (N) + S + 完成式 + ever
例:That is the most ridiculous story I have ever heard in my life.

9. In 1974, Spielberg made his feature film debut with The Sugarland Express.(第31行)

The Sugarland Express《橫衝直撞大逃亡》(1974):本片改編自一起真實的新聞事件,描述慣竊犯 Clovis 的妻子 Lou-Jean ,因為不滿社福機構把他們的孩子強行送人收養,而以探監為名協助 Clovis 逃獄。史匹柏在本片中把公路追車的場面拍得效果十足、緊張刺激,對於 Clovis 夫婦和人質的個性也刻畫細膩。本片廣獲影評人的好評,但票房不佳。然而,也由於史匹柏在本片中展露精湛的運鏡與特效技巧,使得他順利獲得導演 Jaws 的機會

10. But audiences were less than thrilled with his efforts. (第33行)
(1) be thrilled with N  因…….而感到高興(興奮、害怕)
(2) less than: not at all 一點也不

11. Spielberg continued his string of hits in 1981 with Raiders of the Lost Ark.(第41行)
(1) string of hits: series of successful films  系列強片
string of: series; a number of related things or events 一連串的;一系列的

(2) Raiders of the Lost Ark《法櫃奇兵》(1981):《法櫃奇兵》是印地安納瓊斯探險三部曲系列的第一集。Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom《魔宮傳奇》(1984)及Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade《聖戰奇兵》(1989)。還有電視影集The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles《百勝天龍》,敘述印第安那瓊斯少年時期的故事。

13. The Color Purple was the result.(第47行)

The Color Purple《紫色姊妹花》(1985):改編自愛麗絲.華克(Alice Walker)的小說,描寫美國南方喬治亞州一位未受教育的黑人女子世蘭(Celie)一生的故事。當年剛拍完E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial以及兩部印第安納瓊斯系列電影的史匹柏,選擇《紫色姊妹花》,可說是全新的題材,為史匹柏的藝術事業留下更成熟的色彩。本片在1986年時獲得奧斯卡11項提名,但很遺憾地全軍覆沒,在當時可說是轟動的媒體話題。

14. Finally, in 1993, Spielberg’s heartbreaking film Schindler’s List earned him an Academy Award for best director.(第51行)

Schindle’s List《辛德勒的名單》(1993):《辛德勒的名單》是真人真事改編的電影,描述Oskar Schindler(奧斯卡.辛德勒)在二次世界大戰期間保護一千兩百名猶太人免於法西斯殺害的歷史事件。《辛德勒的名單》以黑白為基調,利用大量的手持攝影機方式拍攝,呈現了紀錄片般的風格,是史匹柏反省歷史浩劫、展現人道關懷的代表作。本片獲得奧斯卡十二項提名,並奪得最佳影片、最佳導演、最佳改編劇本、最佳藝術指導、最佳攝影、最佳剪輯、最佳原著音樂等七項大獎。

15. Not all are box office hits, but each tells a story as only Spielberg can.(第57行)
= Not all of his movies have been successful. But each of his movies is special.

16. He has ranked as the most successful director in the American film industry.(第58行)
rank as 排行……

17. Other directors may try to catch him ----if they can.(第59行)

這句話發想自史匹柏的Catch Me If You Can《神鬼交鋒》一片。該片描述一名具有模仿與易容才能的天才詐欺犯小法蘭克•艾班尼爾(Frank Abagnale, Jr.)。課文中,作者用catch him---if they can作為結尾,句中的”catch”有 catch up with(趕上)的意思,暗示著史匹柏讓人望塵莫及的天分,以及他寬廣的導戲與製作路線。

2 則留言:

寶純 提到...

Chris, 我有找到那個attention的用法
有:attract the attention of +人


Chris' Wonderland 提到...

Indeed! You are so great! I'll remind you all in class.
Try this:*