2010年3月4日 星期四

B4L2 Earthships: A New Way of Building and Living


1. In the middle of the desert near Taos, New Mexico, visitors will find a number of very odd-looking houses. (見第1行)
(1) a number of + 複數可數名詞 = several 一些
(2) an amount of + 單數不可數名詞 = some 一些
(3) a great number of 複數可數名詞= many 很多
(4) a great deal of 單數不可數名詞 = much 很多


2. Reynolds built the first such homes in Taos, but since then his designs have been used in many other locations, including Mexico, Europe, and Japan.(見第25行)
(1) since + 過去時間點/過去式子句;for + 一段時間:

3. The earth must be pounded until it is very hard in order to make the walls stable.(見第33行)
(1) ... until ... = ... till ... 直到…. 直到….(動作持續到某點結束)
I slept until eight o’clock this morning.
I waited for you until nine o’clock last night

(2) not ... until ...  一直到…..才…..(動作到某點開始)
I did not get up until eight o’clock this morning.
I didn’t leave until nine o’clock last night.

4. The people who live in Earthships seem to be very happy with their lifestyle.(見第54行)
S + seem (to be) + adj. S + seem + to V     } 似乎
It seems that + S + V ....

例:It seems that Joe is not very happy about the decision.
= Joe doesn’t seem (to be) very happy about the decision.

5. Many also get a great sense of satisfaction from using their own hands to help build the house.(見第57行)
a sense of satisfaction 滿足感
a sense of achievement/fulfillment 成就感
a sense of humor 幽默感
a sense of security 安全感
a sense of direction 方向感

6. Most important of all, they know that their homes do little damage to the environment.(見第58行)
... their homes cause little harm to the environment.
do damage/harm/good/wonders to ... 對….造成損害/..傷害/..有益/…有奇效


1. desert n. [C, U] 沙漠 幾大常見沙漠介紹:
the Sahara Desert 撒哈拉沙漠。
the Gobi Desert 戈壁沙漠。

2. relatively adv. 相對地;相當
relative adj. 相對的;與……有關係的
relative n. [C] 親戚 relate v. [T] 有關聯
relation n. [U] 關聯; [usu. pl.](國家,團體,人等之間的)關係、往來
relationship n. [U, C] 關聯;人際關係,親屬關係,姻親關係
diplomatic/international/public relations 外交/國際/公共關係
family/interpersonal relationships 家庭/人際關係

3. recyclable adj. 可回收利用的
recycle v. [T] 再利用
recycled adj. 再生的
recycling n. [U] (資源,垃圾)回收利用
Newspapers, books and magazines are recyclable materials.   
Japanese people recycle more than half of their waste paper.   
This booklet is made of recycled paper.   
The recycling truck comes twice a week.

4. solar adj. 利用太陽光的;太陽的
solar energy 太陽能
solar system 太陽系
solar eclipse 日蝕
solar calendar 陽曆
【補充】 lunar adj. 月亮的
                 lunar eclipse 月蝕
                 lunar calendar 農曆

5. air-conditioning n. [U] 空氣調節
air conditioner n. [C] 冷氣機
air-conditioned adj. 有空調冷氣的
e.g. It was too hot outside, but now it’s too cold in this air-conditioned theater!

6. atmosphere n. [U] [usu. sing.] 氣氛
congenial/cozy/relaxed/stifling/hostile/tense atmosphere 友善的/舒適的/悠閒的/令人窒息的/有敵意的/緊張的氣氛
the atmosphere 大氣

7. satisfaction n. [U] 滿意;滿足
satisfy v. [T] 使滿意;使滿足
satisfied adj. 感到滿意的
satisfying adj. 令人滿意的
satisfactory adj. 滿意的
I derive great satisfaction from helping Mom with the household chores.   
I don’t believe your answer will satisfy her. She will want to know more.   
Your parents will be very satisfied with your progress.
Go home and tell them how much you’ve improved.   
The results turned out to be very satisfying.   
The committee members came up with several satisfactory solutions to the problem.

8. damage n. [U] v. [T] 傷害 【類似字】
injure v. [T] 受傷(身體的);
injury n. [U, C] 傷害(身體的)
hurt v. [T, I] 受傷(身體與心理的);
hurt n. [U, C] 傷害(心理的)
wound v. [T] 受傷(用武器造成的);
wound n. [C] 傷口(用武器造成的)

9. spaceship n. [C] 太空船 ( = spacecraft) (space)
shuttle 太空梭;
satellite 人造衛星;
space station 太空站;
rocket 火箭;probe 探測器

10. stream in ( 光等)射進(某處)
stream v. [I, T] 流,流出;魚貫走(進,出);(頭髮)飄揚
stream n. [C] 水流;流動
a stream of tears 一串串的淚水
stream of consciousness 意識流
an endless stream of cars 川流不息的車潮
一大批,大量[(+of)] He received a flood of grateful letters. 他收到大量表示感謝的信件。
充滿,充斥[(+with)] Their bedroom was flooded with sunshine. 他們的臥室充滿陽光。
