2009年8月26日 星期三


Chris, 可不可以請你放第三週&第五週&第七週解答
1.第三週作業---Review B1L9-12 and B3L5 vocabulary
2.第五週作業---Revie B2L1-4 and B3L7-8 vocabulary
3.第七週作業---Review B2L9-12 and B3L10 vocabulary

以及Week 1,2,3,4 magazine 初級&中級的解答
(Week 3,4 magazine 解答打不開)

2 則留言:

Chris' Wonderland 提到...

Dear Lina,

For the limit of the virtual space of the homepage, it is impossible for me to put all the answer sheets together online especially the maganize answer sheets containing pictures. Besides, all the materials have the copy right. So you may ask Cury to send the others to you. I will delete them once the school begins.

寶純 提到...

Oh, I know.
Don't worry about me.
I will ask Curly to send the answers to me.^^