2008年11月30日 星期日

A Value of One Day

Each of you has a Time bank that automatically credits with $86,400 every morning. However, it consumes the same sum of the money without any interest at the end of the day. In other words, the money in your bank will not be carried over night or day. What would you do with it?

Reading relevant articles or listening to others may be a good way to solve the problem. Now, try to find a related article about time management and share it with your classmates in class. Do not forget to submit the article to Chris first.

PS. Here is a famous doctor who lectured on the issue of Time Management. Why not take a look or log onto his website? http://download.srv.cs.cmu.edu/~pausch

40 則留言:

Jessica 提到...

What time can we do it?

Chris' Wonderland 提到...

What do you mean? I don't get it.

書琦-Susan^ˇ^ 提到...
書琦-Susan^ˇ^ 提到...

When will we share the article with our classmates?
How can we take the article to you?

Chris' Wonderland 提到...

It's a good question! Yes, it should be done right after we finish lesson 9. You all will have a presentation on Friday. However, I am not sure whether it is this Friday. I am waiting for your next question. ^_^

Iris 提到...
Irene 提到...

How can you put your time to use !?

Ivy 文文 提到...

If you have no balance, what should you do?

匿名 提到...

What does the author want us to image about the time?

by Mo

匿名 提到...

How do you use your 86,400?
by 艾閩

匿名 提到...

What do the author want us to manage ours time?

by Winnie

Tako 提到...

What important things you ever do in a day?

匿名 提到...

How can we use time well?

匿名 提到...

What will you use the money?
What do you use your time?

by Lisa

Lucy Wang* 提到...

How to valid the time in one day?

Alin 提到...

How can I use my time well?

匿名 提到...

What does the bank credits our account each morning?

書琦-Susan^ˇ^ 提到...

Do you want to credit your money into your account each morning?

匿名 提到...

How can we use the time well?
by Michelle.

Mr.腳丫 提到...

How will you do, if you want to save the most of the money?

匿名 提到...

What do you do umost things in a day?

匿名 提到...

How much money you credits in account?

匿名 提到...

When the money was delete from day to day?

匿名 提到...

Time can't going back, so what do you put your time good use?

by Claire

Jessica 提到...

What will you use the time well?

匿名 提到...

If you have some money,What would you do?

abo0704181 提到...

What would you do if you don't have money?

匿名 提到...

If you have the time, what will you use it?

匿名 提到...

Where can we drawing the money?

Annie 提到...
Evan Liu 提到...

How many metaphors in the first paragraph ?

Iris 提到...

How do you put good use in everyday?

Annie 提到...

How much time can you draw each morning?

匿名 提到...

How many credits each of us have in our time bank everyday?

Jane 提到...

If you were having $86,400 in your account each morning, how could you put it to good use?

貓貓 提到...

How muah the bank credits your account?

Alice 提到...

How many time you failed to use during the day?

Kelly Chou 提到...

What will be the balance do if you fail to use money in your account during a day?

a02984131 提到...

How do you invest your time every day?


Chris' Wonderland 提到...

Hi Ed,
Your question is the one I'd like to ask you? So, what is your answer?