2008年8月28日 星期四

Syllabus of English Reading (英文)

Instructor: Dr. Yuying Chris Chang
Email: yuying@mail.slhs.tp.edu.tw
Webpage: http://homepage.ntust.edu.tw/YUYING/
Blog: http://slhs106.blogspot.com/
Philosophy: Time and Industry produce everyday new knowledge … Anonym

1. 配合教育部頒訂之高中(職)學校英文課程標準 (to follow the criteria of high school objectives proposed by MOE)
2. 激勵學生學習英語 (to motivate students to learn English)

3. 提高英文聽說讀寫能力,習得英文學習策略 (to enhance four skills and acquire strategies in learning English)

4. 比較中西方文化 (to compare western cultures with ours)

5. 為未來升學或就業作準備 (to help students prepare for the further studies or employments)

課程教材(Teaching Materials)
1. 遠東高中版教科書 (English Readers for High Schools, B1)
2. 課外補充講義 (Handouts: supplementary readings)
3. 文法書 (Grammar book)
4. 字典 (Dictionary)

授課方式 Contents)
1. 老師講授 (Lecturing, discussion, story-telling, film-watching, etc.)
2. 學生上台報告、演示、部落格寫作 (Students' talk shows, presentations, and blog writing)

課程評分標準(Grading Policy)
1. 學期評量60% (First & Midterm: 30%; Final:40%)
2. 平時評量 40%
a. 平時測驗 (Quizzes)
b. 上課出席率及參與 (Class attendance and participation)
c. 作業、報告 (Assignments, talk shows, presentations, and blog writing)

1. 分組學習 (Study group)
2. 課前預習 (Preparation in advance: individual)
3. 課後作業、復習 (Review the lessons: individual)