2009年9月30日 星期三

IWiLL Web 2.0 操作步驟

參考網址: http://www.whsh.tc.edu.tw/f2blog/english/index.php?load=read&id=219

IWill 註冊操作手續

1. 請連接http://cube.iwillnow.org/iwill/
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3. 在密碼處填入”0000”
4. 接下來的網頁載明權利與義務,請點”agree”
5. 接下來的網頁:
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(1) 到首頁,點選 Reading Challenge閱讀競賽

(2) 點選書單(直接點圖片)

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(4) 加入書櫃後,出現一個對話格請點選”下次再寫”

(5) 之後,在書的圖片下方點”進入IWiLL challenge 13

(6) 開始挑戰。

引用通告地址: http://www.whsh.tc.edu.tw/f2blog/english/trackback.php?tbID=219&extra=c7889b

2009年9月29日 星期二


In almost every culture, one of the oldest forms of literature is fables. Fables are short, simple stories that teach us lessons. These lessons, called morals, are usually serious points about how to behave in the world.

Today we are going to learn a famous fable writer, named James Thurber (1894-1961). After understanding his background, the next step for us is to read one of his works.

Citing from Amazon.com (http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/thurber.htm), James Thurber is an American writer and cartoonist, who tended to deal with the frustrations of modern world. Thurber's best-known characters are Walter Mitty, his snarling wife and silently observing animals. His stories have influenced later writers, such as Kurt Vonnegut and Joseph Heller. Thurber is generally acknowledged as the greatest American humorist since Mark Twain (1835-1910).

See the example below and will know the irocial humor of James Thurber.

Then, go to read other fables that may interest you.

2009年9月24日 星期四

Mule vs. Mole


Source: manandmule.com            www.wetasschronicles.com/MoleRat.jpg                                    

2009年9月22日 星期二

A Sample of Your Report

Dear all,
After reading your reports, I think at least I need to teach you to write a report. Although the content of the paper is important, but the format makes people know whetehr you are professional. That is, having a correct, formal format is the basic requirement.

Please take a look at the following papers in Chinese and in English. Let me know if you have any question.

2009年9月20日 星期日

Ways to Find Happiness in the Stressed Life

We, including you and me, are living in the world full of so much competition, pressure, depression, loneliness, and sadness that we can hardly imagine. So it is natural that a part of our mind tends to carry a tinge of sadness or negative emotion. The following are the ways to happiness. So, let's take a look and see if they work!

First of all, the attitude is important. That is, you must be mentally ready to strive for happiness as much as possible, irrespective of what is happening in your life daily. So, before going to bed today, take few minutes to reach a resolution that you are going to be happy to the best extent possible from tomorrow onwards and repeat the vow daily. Once it becomes a habit, your mind automatically tunes itself to tread the happier line.

A hearty smile is the best symptom of a happy mind. It not only makes you feel better but also sets the tone for the rest of the day, as others also will feel welcomed to come and talk to you. So, learn to smile at will.

An idle mind is devil's workshop. Hence, always make it a point to be in the company of your friends or involve yourself in some activities that keeps you engaged. Don't let your mind wander idle.

Be happy at what you are, even if you are ambitious. Ambition must be the drive to achieve something, and not a handle for disappointment, especially in case if you are not reaching your targets quickly. Misses and losses can happen in anybody’s life. In such moments when you might be feeling low, take few minutes to write down the things you have or you are proud of and not many others have the luck to own. Once you do that, things will start to calm down and you will start to feel better.

Always look for the silver lining at the moment of despair. Make it a habit to view the positives over negatives and hope for the best. Heard of the adage ‘hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible’?

To sum it up, in order to be happy, the effort must start right from one's own heart.

So, next morning, when you wake up, make sure there is a broad smile originating on your lips and a strong resolve in your heart to seek happiness. Very soon you'll realize that how substantially this little change of character is going to transform your life!

Source: e-book: http://ezinearticles.com/?5-Tops-Ways-to-Happiness&id=285585

2009年9月17日 星期四

How to Report on Musicians

Dear all,

I am excited to listen to your report on Friday since you haven't had one this semester.
As I mentioned before, it is a rare opportunity to ask so many fellow students to watch your show, so cherish each time of presentation especially when we do not have much time spending on it.
Are you ready?

Steps on doing your presentation:
1. Decide which musician you are going to report (Avoid introducing the same musician as the one that the other groups do.
2. Once you decide the musician, find the information either in Chinese or in English and read it. (Do not forget to digest it and use your words to retell the part that you think is important.)
3. Tell some stories about the musician.
4. Give the photos of the musician.
5. Play some music the musician composed. You may introduce the background of the piece of music.

Tips on giving a report:
1. Know the audience’s needs, interests, and hopes.
2. Strike the appropriate tone right from the beginning.
3. Support generalizations with specific and realistic examples.
4. Keep a fast pace.
5. Paint verbal pictures.
6. Stick to plain language.
7. Make meaningful eye contact.
8. Avoid repetitive gestures and expressions.

Each group has only 5 to 7 minutes.

2009年9月14日 星期一


重點1. 關係代名詞 + 形容詞子句 (不完整子句)

                               主格 (who / which = that)    + Vt. + O
人 / 物 (先行詞) + 受格 (whom / which = that) + S. + Vt.
                              所有格 (whose / of which + the) +N

重點2. 關代受格(限定用法)的省略
先行詞與關係詞之間若無逗點,其關代受格可省略(形容詞子句中的動詞 無須變化)。

重點3. 強調--> 無論是誰
whoever(= anyone who)
whosever(= anyone whose)
whomever(= anyone whom)


1. Whoever (=Anyone who) quit the job first is a coward.
2. I hate whoever (=anyone who) refuses to do the job.
3. His parents do not allow him to play with whoever is dishonest.
4. Whosever books are overdue will be fined.

重點4 關係子句中有「某人的想法時」(如 think, consider, suppose, believe, imagine, guess, say)

關代主格 (sb. think) + V….
關代受格 (sb. think) to be

e.g. That is the man whom I guess to be your father.
That is the man who I believe can tell the truth.
You may give the prize to whomever you think to be the best.
He always does what (=the things which) he think is right.

重點 5. few…but 沒有……不

e.g. I've known few persons but make a mistake once in a while.

1. The man (who is) sitting under the tree is a scientist.

2. He lost the money that I gave him.

3. These are the books that I read last year.

4. The man who has blond hair is a British man. (The man with blond hair is a British man.)

5. The horse I rode on is a good horse.

6. The glass that my servant broke belongs to Ms Lee’s.

7. The girl I like best is your sister.

8. I will buy everything you need to you. (I will buy whatever you need.)

9. The reason why he did that is obvious.

10. This is the place that I lived in last year. (This is the place where I lived last year.)

2009年9月12日 星期六

Sounds of Moonlight--Ludwig van Beethoven (Lesson 2)

1. 貝多芬(Ludwig van Beethoven)竭力為善,愛自由甚於一切,即使為了王座,也永勿欺妄真理。
2. 貝多芬(Beethoven,1770年12月17日—1827年3月26日)是一位集古典主義大成,開浪漫主義先河的歐洲古典音樂作曲家。很多人都認為貝多芬是古往今來最偉大的作曲家。無可否認,他的確是其中最出名和最受愛戴的。

3. 他最著名的作品包括《第三交響曲(英雄)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVQtcd0clu4 》、
《第六交響曲(田園)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dvTG9evYvE 》、
《第九交響曲http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-mvutiDRvQ 》、

4. 其32首鋼琴奏鳴曲,包括《悲愴》和《月光》等被尊為鋼琴的「新約全書」(「舊約全書」為巴赫的《平均律鋼琴曲集》)。
5. 貝多芬的創作通常分為四個時期:
(1) 早期:從他學習音樂創作到32歲前後; 他是一個有才華的作曲家,就像大多數著名音樂家一樣,他創作了許多到今天人們仍覺得很好聽的音樂,同時他的音樂創作能力也很強,寫悲傷寫抒情都不錯。
(2) 盛期:約十年時間; 生活上他耳聾了,但思想上因為受法國大革命的影響,他將大量倫理思想寫進他的音樂中。這一時期的音樂就是典型的貝多芬式的音樂。包括那些主要的交響曲,同早期相比,音樂變得富有思想了。
(3) 衰落:也約十年時間; 貝多芬已經是維也納社會名人,但他的創作卻進入低潮,好像回到了以前一般的音樂家的時代,他個人意志也比較消沉。
(4) 晚期:最後的十年; 在他生命的最後幾年,他突然又創造出了奇蹟。晚期的作品,一部份規模龐大、宏偉壯麗;另一部分卻進入抽象的境地。這時期的作品在音樂家眼裡是寶貝。但由於通常很抽象,不如早期的那樣好聽,一般的聽眾可能難以理解。

Questions to ponder about "Moonlight Sonata"
1. The background of the song?
2. The image of the song?

Source: Youtube

2009年9月6日 星期日

Taiwan Needs the Deaflympics Spirit


(資料來源:2009 台北聽障奧林匹克運動會官方網站)

Background Information:
國際奧會有4個奧運家族(Olympic Family):奧運、聽障奧運、殘障奧運、特殊奧運。其中,聽障奧林匹克運動會(Deaflympics,簡稱聽障奧運)的前身是世界聾人運動會(Deaf World Games),始辦於1924年,為全球最早舉辦的身心障礙類運動會,每4年舉辦夏季聽障奧運會,迄今已舉辦過20屆,2009年將在台北進行第21屆競賽。


One of the major IOC-sanctioned sporting events, the Deaflympics will be taking place in Taipei this year. In occasion of this international sport event, Taipei City Government RDEC Chairman and Taipei Deaflympics Organising Committee CEO Dr. Emile C.J. Sheng has expressed that we need to let the world know about the Taipei Deaflympics and let the people of Taiwan know about the Deaflympics spirit.

Dr Sheng states that the Deaflympics is not just a sporting competition; all of the participating athletes have some form of hearing disability, and each one of them come with a unique story of how they overcame their obstacles and made it to where they are today; we can all learn from their stories.

Dr. Sheng gives as an example one of the star athletes of the Chinese Taipei delegation, An Ching-Lung. Mr. An lost his hearing at the age of 10 due to fever; he originally wanted to become a car mechanic, but because of his hearing disability, he couldn't even tell the sound an engine makes. In the end, he had to abandon his dream.

Mr. An, though, did not yield to the setback; he later decided to become an athlete. People with hearing disabilities usually have poor sense of balance, but Mr. An, through perseverance, was able to clear the obstacles and finally shine on the sport field. He won 10 gold medals at the Rome Deaflympics, and later won the silver in Melbourne.

Dr. Sheng points out that this is a fine example of the Deaflympics spirit, and that this spirit is exactly what Taiwan, which is suffering from an economic recession right now, needs in order to break out from the current situation.

In preparation for the Games, the Taipei Municipal Stadium, which will serve both as the location for the opening ceremony and as the main venue, is currently undergoing renovation. Dr. Sheng says that in occasion of the Games, Taipei City Government will be holding a series of events beginning in March, starting with the revealing event for the theme song of this year's Deaflympics.

In May, there will be a building art exhibition and parade; in August, artists including the Blue Man Group and the famous Chinese deaf performance group “Thousand-Hand Guanyin” will be performing. There is a lot to look forward to before this year's Deaflympics!

資料來源Youtube: 2009聽障奧運在台北 Deaflympics Taipei 2009 - 千手觀音

2009年9月4日 星期五

Lesson 1 General MacArthur

Questions to ponder:
1. Who is Douglas MacArthur?
2. What do you think of MacArthur?
3. Why is he important in history?

2009年9月1日 星期二

Syllabus of Practical English (Fall, 2008)

1. 學習英語聽、說、讀及寫的技能
To learn four English skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing
2. 通過全民英檢(GEPT) & 多益檢定(TOEIC)
To pass GEPT and get a high score on TOEIC test

Teaching Materials

1. 遠東高中版教科書
English Readers for High Schools, B3
2. 空中英語教室雜誌
Studio Classroom
3. 講義

1. 期中、期末考Exams 60%
2. 平時評量 40%
(1) 出席、參與率 Class attendance and participation
(2) 測驗 Quizzes
(3) 作業Assignments
★每週一雜誌測驗/週二Cloze test/週三Vocabulary 2回


Dates 主題/活動 Topics/Activities
W1 • Magazine & B3L1
• Speech: Build me …

W2-3 • Magazine & B3L2
• Speech: A great composer (person)

W4-5 • Magazine & B3L3
• Speech: A story behind food

W6-7 • Magazine & B3L4
• Speech: A famous writer and his/her works

Midterm Exam I

W8-9 • Magazine & B3L5
• Speech: Science/Invention

W10-11 • Magazine & B3L6-7
• Speech: globalization and localization

W12-13 • Magazine & B3L8
• Speech: A trip to …

Midterm Exam II

W14-15 • Magazine & B3L9
• Speech: Animals in the zoo and forests

W16-17 • Magazine & B3L10
• Speech: Psychology and personality

W18-19 • Magazine & B3L11
• Speech: Literature and famous writers

W19-20 • Magazine & B3L12
• Speech: A touching story from Chicken Soups

Final Exam

Syllabus of English Reading (Fall, 2009)


1. 配合教育部頒訂之高中(職)學校英文課程標準
--to follow the criteria of high school objectives proposed by MOE
2. 激勵學生學習英語
--to motivate students to learn English
3. 提高英文聽說讀寫能力,習得英文學習策略
--to enhance four skills and acquire strategies in learning English
4. 比較中西方文化
--to compare western cultures with ours
5. 為未來升學或就業作準備
--to help students prepare for the further studies or employments.

(Teaching Materials)

1. 遠東高中版教科書 (English Readers for High Schools, B3)
2. 課外補充講義 (Handouts: supplementary readings)
3. 字彙 (Vocabulary 4000-7000)
4. 文法書 (Grammar book)
5. 字典 (Dictionary)

1. 老師講授 (Lecturing, discussion, story-telling, etc.)
2. 學生上台報告、演示 (Students’ talk shows and presentations)

(Grading policy)

1. 學期評量60% (First & Midterm: 30%; Final:40%)
2. 平時評量 40%
a. 平時測驗 (Quizzes)
b. 上課出席率及參與 (Class attendance and participation)
c. 作業、報告 (Assignments & presentations)


1. 分組學習 (Study group)
2. 課前預習 (Preparation in advance: individual)
3. 課後作業、復習 (Review the lessons: individual)

Tentative Weekly Schedule
W1-2 • Orientation
• L1: General MacArthur’s Prayer for His Son
• L2: sounds of Moonlight

• Write the prayer for someone (individual)
W3-4 • L3: The All-important Pumpkin

• Introduce a musician or a composer (group work)
• Introduce one of foods or vegetables
W5-6 • L4: The Owl Who Was God

Midterm Exam I
W7-8 • L5: Asking Nature for Advice
• L6: Emily Dickinson and her Poems

W9-10 • L7: Our Global Village
• L8: Going Home

Midterm Exam II
W11-12 • L9: Giant Pandas: An Endangered Species
W13-14 • L10: Has the Cat Got Your Tongue?
W15-16 • L11: Les Miserables
W17-18 • L12: One More Chance, Please
W19 • Review
W20 Final Exam